Global Times

New Australian premier rewards allies

Scott Morrison declares ‘Liberal-National team is a next-generation team’


New Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison rewarded supporters and extended an olive branch to rebel rightwinge­rs as he unveiled his “new generation” cabinet Sunday after taking power in a party-room coup.

Morrison, the former treasurer – finance minister – was sworn in as prime minister Friday after winning a Liberal Party leadership challenge against incumbent moderate Malcolm Turnbull.

The challenge had been instigated by Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, whom Morrison – also to the right of the party – defeated in a secret ballot. He sought to heal the wounds exposed by the infighting.

“This new Liberal-National team is a next-generation team,” Morrison told reporters in Canberra of the governing coalition between the Liberals and the rural-based Nationals party.

“What we have done today in pulling this team together is provide for stability... It does begin the process of healing.”

Dutton kept Home Affairs but his super-sized portfolio was split to separate immigratio­n and national security, with migration issues to be handled by former assistant finance minister David Coleman.

The environmen­t and energy portfolio, which was held by the man who is now Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, was also broken up in an acknowledg­ement of the tensions the two issues caused within the party.

Environmen­t and energy policies were key bones of contention between Turnbull and the right-wingers, who wanted him to prioritize older electricit­y generation sources such as coal over renewables and emissions mitigation.

Wind-farm critic and Dutton supporter Angus Taylor was chosen as energy minister, tasked with the job of lowering soaring electricit­y prices.

MP Melissa Price, who represents major mining and agricultur­e centers in Western Australia state, picked up the environmen­t ministry.

Marise Payne, the former defense minister, was given the foreign affairs portfolio after incumbent Julie Bishop resigned Sunday.

Bishop, a rare female voice in the Australian government, had put her hand up to be one of three candidates to replace Turnbull.

But she received minimal support from colleagues, even as opinion polls pointed to her popularity among voters.

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