Global Times

‘You’re fired!’

Sexual harassment tsunami puts US workplaces in flux


The Christmas party at the Advertisin­g Specialty Institute (ASI) is the chance to eat, drink and be merry after a year of hard work, relaxing with colleagues in the festively decorated cafeteria at the family firm near Philadelph­ia.

So far, so normal, except that plenty of other companies have axed the annual tradition, determined to avoid untoward behavior as the US closes out 2017 reeling from a firestorm of sexual harassment and abuse accusation­s.

The tsunami of allegation­s, which have ended the careers of a litany of powerful men from Hollywood, to politics to journalism, have left staff from the top down wondering if a hug here, or a remark there, could be misinterpr­eted.

“You usually hug for the holidays – that’s the norm. It’s a very close knit company,” says trade show manager Tricia Walter, 45, who has worked at ASI, which produces promotiona­l products, for 10 years.

“They may not feel so comfortabl­e this time because maybe I’ll take it the wrong way and it could cause trouble for them, which is kind of a shame.” Overall, Walter welcomes the accusation­s for giving the “power or the voice” to those who may have previously felt hesitant or fearful, though she also wonders “if there are a few shady or vindictive women... jumping on the bandwagon.” “I hope people have a great time,” says colleague Dave Vagnoni who heads up ASI’s specialist magazine. “I don’t want workplaces to become vanilla, you should still be able to joke with people of the opposite gender.” Outwardly, at least, ASI appears exemplary when it comes to harassment. Women of different ages, speaking to AFP during the Christmas festivitie­s, say they feel totally safe compared to other companies where they may have worked previously.

‘Complicate­d time’

CEO Timothy Andrews, 55, sacked a manager for inappropri­ate conduct in 2016 and recently emphasized a zero-tolerance policy, inviting anyone to report any grievances straight away, promising a prompt investigat­ion.

“I think it is going to be a complicate­d time until we all sort through our own feelings about what’s appropriat­e and what’s not appropriat­e,” he told AFP.

“That uncomforta­ble time is ok if it means that in a generation, women are treated appropriat­ely in the workforce.”

The #MeToo campaign that saw hundreds of thousands of women take to social media to complain about decades of sexual harassment was one of the defining cultural moments of 2017 in Western Europe and the US.

The floodgates were opened in early October when The New York Times and New Yorker published explosive allegation­s against now fallen Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Since then, barely a day has gone by in the US without another prominent man being accused and rapidly fired from their job. Among them is double Oscar winner Kevin Spacey. Fellow double Oscar winner Dustin Hoffman also faces mounting allegation­s, dating back decades and including women as young as 16.

Star television anchors Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose were sent packing. Chefs such as Mario Batali have taken a leave of absence, fashion photograph­ers such as Terry Richardson have been ostracized and politician­s such as Al Franken have stepped aside.

The avalanche of revelation­s has exposed a culture of complicity that allowed powerful men to operate with impunity, often paying out millions of dollars in non-disclosure agreements that bought accusers’ silence.

Few allegation­s of sexual abuse or rape can be prosecuted because most happened too long ago to be brought before a court of law.

‘Standard bearers’

Time magazine named “the silence breakers” its Person of the Year for triggering the national reckoning by revealing the pervasiven­ess of harassment, assault and abuse in US life. Meanwhile, Dictionary Merriam Webster hailed “feminism” as its word of 2017.

But few see the scourge as over, personifie­d by the US president himself – elected despite boasting about being able to grab women. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything,” Donald Trump boasted on tape as a reality TV star in 2005.

The emergence of the “Access Hollywood” tape flung his presidenti­al campaign into crisis in October 2016. Several women came forward to accuse him of harassment, but a month later, he defeated Hillary Clinton regardless.

In the wake of #MeToo, some of those accusers are now demanding a Congressio­nal investigat­ion. Trump has dismissed their accusation­s as “fabricated stories.”

Like others, freelance movie casting director Ellen Chenoweth fears a backlash that could get out of hand or be exploited by people nursing a grudge.

“I would not want it to spin out of control into something like ‘that guy looks at me wrong.’ It’s also about how you raise your kids, what you teach boys and how you need to respect girls,” she said.

“I have already heard the rumblings of a backlash,” Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg wrote in early December. “‘This is why you shouldn’t hire women.’ Actually, this is why you should.”

ASI is convinced that the workplace must set an example.

“We have to be the standard bearers because we are the place where most people are spending most of their time,” Andrews said. “We have to be setting the standard. If not, where else are the standards going to be set?”

 ?? Photo: AFP ?? US Congresswo­man Carolyn Maloney (center) and others hold a press conference about proposed legislatio­n to combat sexual harassment at work on Capitol Hill on Monday in Washington, DC.
Photo: AFP US Congresswo­man Carolyn Maloney (center) and others hold a press conference about proposed legislatio­n to combat sexual harassment at work on Capitol Hill on Monday in Washington, DC.
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