Global Times

No moral judgment before case concludes


According to General Provisions of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, the personal casualty and property loss that the Samaritans suffered should be compensate­d properly by beneficiar­ies based on fair principles. If Jiang is confirmed a Samaritan, she should be compensate­d by the beneficiar­y.

Jiang’s mother has been hurt to the core and her pain cannot be expressed. However, some people rush to blame and curse Liu. Do they actually figure out whether all the details released by the media are true? Jiang was killed because of Liu, but Liu refused to meet Jiang’s mother, is it the whole truth?

In fact, opinions that Liu locked the door and Jiang died for Liu have not been definite conclusion­s by now. So most people have judged it based on unclear facts, and even guess work. In such circumstan­ces, when we feel sorry for Jiang and her mother, shouldn’t we be more careful in judging Liu? After all, she is the survivor of the murder and not an accomplice.

The murder narrative may be easy to understand, but humanity is hard to fathom. For Liu’s behavior and psyche, there cannot be totally correct answers. What did she do when the killing took place and why she was refusing to meet Jiang’s mother? She may only know the truth. Some media outlets and people accuse Liu of being ruthless, but who really knows what she actually thinks? Accusing someone of having acted immorally is easy but also irresponsi­ble.

The suspect has been captured and awaits trial. To forgive the suspect or not is up to Jiang’s mother. As for Liu’s family, we do not have the right to force an apology. Actually, we should realize that we can do nothing about it. What’s more, we should not pass a moral judgment to sow hatred between the two families.

In fact, Jiang’s mother’s dispute with Liu is the result of the murder. Actually the biggest justice is to let the criminal be punished by law. If Jiang’s mother thinks Liu is responsibl­e for her daughter’s death as well, she may need to seek legal recourse. Otherwise, it is not of much help to end hatred and soothe the injury by radical public opinion.

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