Global Times

Xinjiang to launch anti- extremism regulation

Regional Cybersecur­ity Law finalized

- By Bai Tiantian

Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region will launch a new anti- extremism regulation within the year as well as approve a regional Cybersecur­ity Law as early as this month.

Dong Xinguang, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Xinjiang People’s Congress, told the Global Times on Thursday that the anti- extremism regulation and Xinjiang’s Cybersecur­ity Law will be reviewed at a Xinjiang People’s Congress standing committee meeting this month.

“If approved, they will be released in March. Otherwise, they will be released no later than the end of this year,” Dong said, adding that the autonomous region urgently needs both laws.

According to Dong, Xinjiang’s legislatur­e has been mulling an anti- extremism regulation for three years.

“Unlike the counterter­rorism law, the anti- extremism regulation has no national law to support it, therefore, it will be only released as a regional regulation,” Dong noted.

Xinjiang passed its own version of the counterter­rorism law in August 2016. The regional law is a supplement to the national counterter­rorism law approved in December 2015 to define terrorist activities and the correspond­ing punishment. Xinjiang’s regional counterter­rorism law added new provisions, including one which states that leaders of extremist groups will be placed in solitary confinemen­t, and that recruiting people for terrorist activities would be considered an act of terrorism.

Dong said the anti- extremism regulation differs from the counterter­rorism law in that it aims to prevent the spread of extremist ideas, whereas the counterter­rorism law deals with terrorist acts.

“Drafting the anti- extremism regulation is complicate­d. Lawmakers need to distinguis­h between ethnic habits and extremist practices, and understand that not all extremist ideas constitute a crime. This is why the regulation is taking as long as three years to launch. The local legislatur­e needs to consult various groups, including ethnic leaders and the religious personnel,” Dong noted.

He declined to provide further details.

As for Xinjiang’s Cybersecur­ity Law, Dong said that the regional legislatur­e has been considerin­g it for some time and has been waiting for the top legislatur­e, the National People’s Congress, to first approve the national Cybersecur­ity Law.

“Many of the terror activities are spread on the Internet. Unlike other regions in China where the Cybersecur­ity Law mainly involves economic entities, Xinjiang has its own cyber concerns to deal with,” Dong said.

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