China Daily (Hong Kong)

This Day, That Year


On Oct 8, 1990, McDonald’s, the fast-food chain from the United States, opened its first restaurant in China in Shenzhen, Guangdong province.

At the time, people considered such food an exotic experience in the wake of the reform and opening-up policy.

The outlet is still serving Chinese customers, who line

This year marks the 40th anniversar­y of China’s reform and opening-up policy.

up to buy its hamburgers, fries and ice cream. The only difference is that their view of Western fast food has changed a lot.

Following Kentucky Fried Chicken’s first Chinese outlet in 1987 and the first McDonald’s, Western fast-food chains have significan­tly expanded their presence in China on the back of the country’s rapid developmen­t.

The newspaper and beyond

Competitio­n remains fierce in the industry, with more menus and new eating experience­s being offered to attract customers.

McDonald’s offerings in China include meals targeting local palates.

In 2015, the chain opened four “do-it-yourself ” burger concept stores in Shanghai and Guangzhou, Guangdong, as part of global efforts to lure consumers to its outlets.

By the end of last year, McDonald’s China had more than 2,600 restaurant­s in the Chinese mainland, servicing more than 1.3 billion orders.

Although it has expanded rapidly, McDonald’s has seen its market share in China decline from 7 percent in 2013 to 5.8 percent last year, according to Euromonito­r Internatio­nal’s data about the chained consumer food service sector.

In August last year, Chinese conglomera­te CITIC Group acquired a majority stake in the company’s restaurant­s in the mainland and Hong Kong.

The new partnershi­p plans to further accelerate expansion by opening 2,000 new restaurant­s in the coming four years, and plans to have 4,500 outlets in the country by 2022.


Choose classes that interest you. That way studying doesn’t feel like slave labor.选择你喜欢的课程,这样学习就不会像服苦­役一样难受。

Make some friends.交一些朋友。

Study less, but study better.少学,但学得高效。

Vague is bad. Vague is a waste of your time.一知半解是不好的,这样会浪费你的时间。

Suck it up, buckle down, get it done.咬牙挺住,全力以赴,完成课程。

Stop highlighti­ng. Underlinin­g is supposed to keep you focused, but it’s actually a one-way ticket to Autopilot Brain.别用马克笔划重点了。把重点画下来也许是为­了让自己更专注,但这有时候是纵容大脑­开启自动驾驶模式。

You zone out, look down, and suddenly you have five pages of neon green that you don’t remember reading. Write notes in the margins instead.你在那里画啊画,然后你发现你画绿了5­页书,什么也没看进脑子里。不如在书的空白处记笔­记吧。

Do all your own work. You get nothing out of copying a problem set. It’s also shady.所有功课自己完成。抄作业什么用也没有,还挺不光彩的。

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