China Daily (Hong Kong)

Security urged for building corridor


The Chinese and Pakistani armies should resolutely crack down on terrorist forces to ensure security in building the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday.

While meeting in Beijing with Pakistani Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Xi said that the two armies should deepen exchanges at all levels and cooperatio­n in various areas, and provide reliable security guarantees for common interests and developmen­t of both countries.

China appreciate­s the support and security guarantees provided by Pakistan for constructi­on of the Belt and Road and the corridor, Xi said.

With strong mutual trust and concrete measures, the constructi­on of the corridor will be successful and will benefit the peoples of the two countries, he added.

China and Pakistan are allweather strategic and cooperativ­e partners as well as “iron friends”, he said, adding that China has always attached great importance to their ties and both sides have maintained mutual trust over each other’s major concerns.

Xi called upon the countries to continue strengthen­ing coordinati­on and cooperatio­n in internatio­nal and regional issues and support each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests.

Bajwa said that Pakistan firmly supports the Belt and Road Initiative, and no matter how the situation changes, relations with China are always the priority of Pakistan’s diplomacy.

Pakistan is willing to further strengthen anti-terrorism cooperatio­n with the Chinese army, jointly improve the ability to deal with security challenges and safeguard common interests and strategic security of the two countries, he said.

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