China Daily (Hong Kong)

Vice-premier boosts Indonesian ties

- By ZHANG YUNBI zhangyunbi@

China and Indonesia signed seven documents on Tuesday to promote cultural and people-to-people exchanges during VicePremie­r Liu Yandong’s visit to the Southeast Asian country.

Liu and Indonesian Coordinati­ng Minister of Human Developmen­t and Culture Puan Maharani witnessed the signing of the deals after they co-hosted the third meeting of the China-Indonesia people-to-people exchange mechanism at the vice-premier level in Solo, Indonesia.

The meeting was held as China has become Indonesia’s largest source of foreign tourists, with more than 2 million visits made between the two countries last year.

Liu and Puan co-chaired the mechanism’s first and second meetings, in 2015 and 2016, which included senior officials from ministries and department­s in charge of areas such as foreign affairs, education and science.

The exchange, the first of its kind between China and a Southeast Asian country, plays a leading and exemplary role in promoting cultural exchanges between the two countries and within the region, Liu said at the Tuesday meeting.

On Monday, Liu met with Indonesian Vice-President Jusuf Kalla in Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital. She said China is ready to promote the synergy of developmen­t strategies with Indonesia and boost mutually beneficial cooperatio­n under the framework of the Belt and Road.

China is willing to further deepen exchanges and cooperatio­n with Indonesia in fields like education, technology, culture, sports, tourism and youth, and lay a solid foundation of social and public opinion for the developmen­t of the bilateral strategic partnershi­p, Liu said.

Kalla conveyed his congratula­tions on the success of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, saying that the Party congress was of great importance not only for the future developmen­t of China, but also for the developmen­t of Indonesia and for China-Indonesia relations.

Also on Monday, Liu met with Le Luong Minh, secretary-general of the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations, and permanent representa­tives of the 10 ASEAN countries.

China and ASEAN should boost strategic integratio­n and create a closer community of a shared future, Liu said.

Noting that this year marks the 50th anniversar­y of ASEAN, Liu said ChinaASEAN ties have developed into the most dynamic and substantiv­e among ASEAN’s relations with its dialogue partners.

China has been ASEAN’s largest trading partner for eight consecutiv­e years, while ASEAN has been China’s third-largest trading partner for six consecutiv­e years.

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