China Daily (Hong Kong)

Scandal, gaffes dent Ban’s election bid


would be held two months later. A ruling is expected as soon as next month.

Ban has a team of politician­s and former diplomats supporting him and has made several campaign-style appearance­s around the country since his return, pitching him in the full glare of the media spotlight.

On his arrival in Seoul, Ban took the airport express train instead of a limo, but didn’t know how to buy a ticket. He was pictured trying to insert two 10,000 won bills into the machine at the same time for a 7,500 won ticket.

Media criticism

“Couldn’t you have treated it as something cute from a person who had been in New York for a long time?” he protested at a meeting with voters and reporters in the southern city of Daegu. “I really wish they wouldn’t act with malice.”

Two days later, Ban visited a care home where he fed porridge to an old woman. He was criticized for wearing a bib when the old woman was not — and for feeding someone lying flat on their back.

He also dressed head to toe in protective gear to try out a disinfecta­nt spray when most of those around him wore ordinary clothes, media said.

Ban himself admitted on Monday to some “clumsy moments” and irritabili­ty since his return.

“I was impatient and had passion for wanting to go and meet the people as soon as I could, so there were little mistakes,” he told reporters.

“I’ ll take it as a tough lesson learned and try to be better prepared.”

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