ZOOMER Magazine

Oral Health News

- —Jayne MacAulay

MANY AGE-RELATED medication­s, radiation therapy to the head or neck and some systemic diseases such as diabetes can cut output of saliva and create dry mouth (xerostomia). Not a good thing, as saliva, the antimicrob­ial fluid that lubricates the mouth, flushes away food particles and millions of bacteria, defends tooth enamel and prevents cavities and gum disease. Acid generated by bacteria in plaque makes teeth vulnerable to decay.

Plaque can lead to inflammati­on of the gums (gingivitis), which, if it progresses, destroys bone and gum tissue (periodonta­l disease) and may mean loss of teeth. Researcher­s think bacteria and chemicals from this inflammato­ry process travel through the bloodstrea­m and may be linked to atheroscle­rosis (a risk for heart disease and stroke), diabetes, arthritis and cell mutations that lead to cancer.

April is flagged National Oral Health Month, a reminder that brushing, flossing and seeing your dentist regularly protects overall health. Here, more tips for taking care of the enamel on your teeth.

Fluoride fortifies enamel, so if your community fluoridate­s water, choose it over non-fluoridate­d bottled water, which also may be more acidic.

Chew sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva production.

Brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush to keep dental surfaces smooth. Roughened surfaces can become havens for bacteria. Try: Colgate 360° Enamel Health toothbrush.

Use electric toothbrush­es with timers to encourage brushing for a full two minutes. Try: Oral-B Deep Sweep 5000 Electric Toothbrush with SmartGuide.

Choose enamel-protective toothpaste, which can also help decrease sensitivit­y, restore natural whiteness and fight erosion. Try: Sensodyne Pronamel Multi-Action toothpaste or Colgate Enamel Health.

Use a tongue cleaner to remove the buildup of bacteria and for fresher breath. Try: Orabrush (available at Shoppers Drug Mart and Walmart).

Floss daily. Try: Oral-B Glide ProHealth Clinical Protection Floss for an easier slide between tight teeth.

An anti-cavity rinse may also remove stains. Try: Listerine Healthy White Gentle Sodium Fluoride Rinse, said to be gentle on enamel.

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