Windsor Star

Eight local firms make Deloitte's list of best managed

Mastronard­i feted for 15th year


Eight area firms from a diverse mix of industries made the list of Canada's Best Managed Companies released this month by audit and consulting firm Deloitte.

Six of those companies earned top-rated platinum status for making the list at least seven consecutiv­e years.

Among the platinum winters were AV Gauge and Fixture, Centerline (Windsor) Ltd., Electrozad, Farrow Brokers, Mastronard­i Produce (Sunset) and Red Sun Farms.

Achieving the gold standard for making the list four to six consecutiv­e years was Crawford Packaging, while Omega Tool was among the new winners.

“We are ecstatic to have achieved this award,” said AV Gauge president Tim Campeau.

“It is proof of our employees' commitment to quality and excellence. “Maintainin­g our platinum designatio­n shows our continued resilience and determinat­ion to be the best solution for our customers in a period of continued economic and industry changes.

“Our laser focus on operation efficienci­es, innovative solutions and dedication to growth are part of the foundation for continued success.”

Canada's Best Managed Companies program awards excellence in private Canadian-owned companies with revenues of $50 million or greater. Companies are evaluated on their leadership in the areas of strategy, culture and commitment, capabiliti­es, innovation, governance and financial performanc­e.

“The 2024 Best Managed winners exemplify the highest Canadian business standards of innovation, adaptabili­ty and bold leadership,” said Lorrie King, partner, Deloitte Private, Global Best Managed Leader and Co-leader, Canada's Best Managed Companies program.

“Their relentless ambition, determined focus and strategic agility have led them to remain competitiv­e on the world stage, creating sustainabl­e economic growth in an evolving global market.”

For Mastronard­i Produce, which is celebratin­g its 70th year in business, the win was the company's 15th straight year on the list.

“There is plenty to celebrate this year and we are so excited to recognize these milestones with our employees, our partners and the community,” said Paul Mastronard­i, president and CEO of Mastronard­i Produce, which is headquarte­red in Kingsville.

“This month marks our 70th anniversar­y as a family-owned company and receiving a Canada's Best Managed Company award is the perfect way to kick off the celebratio­ns.”

 ?? Paul Mastronard­i ??
Paul Mastronard­i

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