Windsor Star

Take a peek at the diary of a happy retiree

A day in the life of an admitted Facebook addict


“Woke up, fell out of bed “Dragged a comb across my head “Found my way downstairs and drank a cup …”

John Lennon wrote the lyrics to A Day In The Life in 1967. The verse, sung by Paul Mccartney, continues to describe rushing off to work.

Fast-forward 53 years.

I’ve been retired since 2012.

I’m not rushing off to work.

As a septuagena­rian cancer survivor living through the COVID-19 pandemic, I’m not rushing anywhere.

Here’s a chronology of A Day In My 2020 Life:

7 a.m.: Wake up, stumble off to the loo (yet again), crawl back into bed. Hoping to doze off for a while.

7:30: Too many COVID-19 preoccupat­ions to sleep. Dog has begun stirring and is lobbying for a morning walk.

7:45: Stroll off to nearby park. Although dog is anxious to frolic with other dogs, social distancing mandates zero socializin­g — not that I’m into early-morning chatter anyway.

8 a.m.: Feed dog. Feed immense turtle that was tiny when we got it for my daughter 32 years ago. Feed bunny that was my daughter’s until she got a dog.

8:15: Feed self. Read newspaper. Begin what will be a daylong addiction to Facebook.

9 a.m.: Big decision: Shower now?

9:30: Big post-shower decisions: Blue or black jeans? Which colour socks?

9:45 to 11: Scroll through Facebook reading and reposting news stories, checking out dog photos (but not cats) and looking for funny posts to cheer me up.

11 a.m.: Debate whether to order a Sit N’ Sip Refillable Winebag Chair from Amazon. Ix-nay on that. US$300 is too much for getting comfortabl­y hammered.

11:15: Discover a hilarious website called Mommy Needs Vodka. Sample entries: “Trying to make protein shakes but they keep coming out as Margaritas” ... “If you listen real closely to my kids arguing, you’ll hear me pouring a glass of wine” ... “Quarantine has really showed me you don’t need fun to have alcohol.”

Noon: Second dog walk. Wave at some of the people I avoided on the early walk, just to show it’s social distancing and I don’t dislike them.

1 p.m.: Lunch. Whatever can be quickly nuked or eaten cold.

1 to 3: Household chores — vacuuming, laundry, countertop disinfecti­ng, dishwashin­g, etc. Alternativ­ely, figuring out an excuse not to do any of them, for example, there might be something cool on Facebook. 3 p.m.: Restorativ­e 45-minute nap.

4 p.m.: Wake up from nap that lasted too long. Decide whether to contravene One Coffee a Day and None After Noon rule.

4:30: Walk dog again.

5 p.m.: Feed dog. Honouring the memory of Mad Men’s Don Draper, concoct restorativ­e Old Fashioned. Feel patriotic about using Crown Royal, distilled in Gimli, on the shores of Lake Winnipeg.

6 p.m.: Turn on TV news for update on whether 70-somethings with medical histories will be allowed to mingle with the general populace any time soon.

6:30: Debate whether to cook simple dinner or phone popular barbecue joint for delivery.

7 p.m.: Debate how much to tip chicken delivery guy.

8 to 10: Watch Netflix, pining for the NHL playoffs.

10 to 11:30: Watch the National, then CTV News for updates on whether I might be able to escape confinemen­t by Canada Day.

Midnight: OK, enough Facebook! Turn out the damn light!

John Prine died last month at age 73. A few years ago, a Rolling Stone profile described him as a singer-songwriter who “lives a quieter life these days.”

Prine’s then daily routine resonates with me during these troubled times. He would wake up late, eat lunch at a greasy spoon, wash his car or shoot pool, then take a nap. “I look busy for a living,” Prine deadpanned. “I leave the house so it appears I did something. (Prine’s wife) Fiona knows to never ask me what I did today. It’s absolutely nothing.”

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 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? As a retired person, you still wake up and drag a comb across your head ... but you don’t have to rush off to work.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O As a retired person, you still wake up and drag a comb across your head ... but you don’t have to rush off to work.
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