Windsor Star

Windsor a mecca for careless driving

Re: Windsor drivers are the worst, by Joanne M. Champagne, Nov. 17.


I can safely say that a vast majority of Windsor drivers do follow the rules of the road, whether it’s letting people coming off the on ramp merge safely or merging into faster-moving traffic in a safe manner.

I’ve been driving Windsor streets for more than 30 years and I’ve seen the behaviour of drivers change quite dramatical­ly.

On a daily basis, I’ve seen people get cut off by a driver trying to reach the next traffic light.

I’ve seen drivers race ahead of other drivers trying to merge onto the highway rather than merge correctly behind the driver wanting to accelerate to highway speeds.

The roads and highway rules aren’t being followed by a large number of people and most are in their late teens and early adulthood. They are constantly racing toward the next traffic light or trying to beat traffic that is moving faster than the posted limit.

Then we have drivers making U-turns at traffic lights. In a city the size of Windsor I don’t understand the hurry to get to the next traffic light or cut off someone because you feel they are impeding your self-absorbed way of driving. It only endangers others who are following the traffic rules.

Windsor has become a mecca for careless driving in the past few years and I think Windsor police need to step up their presence at most major intersecti­ons.

I can guarantee that they’ll spend a major part of the day ticketing speeders and traffic rule bandits.

Gary De Pinio, Windsor

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