Windsor Star

Lost action hero

Chan feels ‘useless’ in wake of Las Vegas attack


Jackie Chan wishes he could have used his iconic, onscreen martial arts skills to help those hurt at the mass shooting in Las Vegas on Oct. 1

“A lot of young kids say ‘Jackie, you’re a superhero. You’re (a) hero.’ I really want to be any superhero (so) I can fly around the world, save the people, beat up the bad people, put them in the jail. But sometimes I watch this, I’m just useless. Only thing I can do is pray, pray for them,” Chan said.

The rampage by Stephen Paddock killed more than 50 people and injured more than 500 others.

Chan does get the chance to battle terrorists in his new actionthri­ller, The Foreigner, which opens Friday.

The actor takes a dramatic turn as a grief-stricken father hunting a rogue IRA cell responsibl­e for an explosion that killed his daughter.

“I hope through the movie (to) tell the people stop this kind of violent things,” Chan said.“It’s a good message to tell, stop these kind of terror things, stop the bombing, stop hurting innocent people.”

Other films cancelled and scaled back promotion after the attack in Las Vegas — something Chan thought long and hard about.

“Yes, it is challengin­g,” he said of continuing the film’s promotiona­l tour, which included last Thursday’s Los Angeles première.

“What should I do? Should we change? Should we cancel? And you know I’m really a foreigner in another country. I don’t know what to do. You know, what should I say? Anything I can (do to) help?”

At 63, the Hong Kong star is hoping to prove he can do more than martial arts.

“I want to be a true actor. I don’t want audiences to keep thinking I’m an action star. One day I’m getting old, I cannot fight anymore. I want to be a Robert De Niro. I want to be a Clint Eastwood,” he said.

“They are true actors, but they can fight!”

Chan says a romantic lead in a musical would be a dream gig.

“I’d love to do it! I want to be something special. I want to be in a musical action comedy movie. You know fighting with singing, dancing,” Chan said. “Of course if a director hire me to do some kind of La La Land and (The) Sound of Music, I’d love to do it. I really do try everything, anything.”

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