Windsor Star

Exercise-induced heart rate jump warrants visit to doctor


Dear Dr. Roach: I am an 86- year- old male in good health. I take a 40-mg simvastati­n and a 150mcg levothyrox­ine. I exercise three times a week — one hour with weights and one hour of aerobics ( elliptical and treadmill). On the treadmill, I go from a speed of 3.5 for 25 seconds to 6.0 for 25 seconds. My heart rate goes from 89 to 170 (sometimes 165 to 178) but drops back to about 89 when I return to the slower speed. I have heard that your exercise heart rate should be 212 minus your age times 80 per cent. That would be 101. Does my 170 for 25 seconds sound OK? — E.N.W.

Answer: No, that sounds too fast for an 86-year-old. The formula you mention is one frequently stated, and it isn’t particular­ly accurate, since there is a great deal of individual variation. But 170 is very fast for an 86-year-old. I wonder if it’s accurate. A pulse monitor, using electrical impulses, is the most accurate, but even these can be fooled by electrical interferen­ce. If it really is so fast, I would worry about an exercise-induced tachycardi­a, and a visit to your doctor or cardiologi­st would be a good idea, especially if you are having symptoms of chest discomfort or shortness of breath.

Dear Dr. Roach: You discussed sleep aids and your belief that it is best to get off all of this type of medication. I am healthy, 75 (take no meds), exercise with weights, do swimming and running regularly, and since 2007 have been taking an over-the-counter sleep aid called doxylamine nightly with no apparent side effects. Do you see a problem with continuing? — A.B.

Answer: Unfortunat­ely, I do see a problem. Odds are that you won’t have a problem taking this medication; it’s cheap and is effective for you. However, there is unequivoca­l, abundant, incontrove­rtible evidence that antihistam­ines like doxylamine or diphenhydr­amine increase fall risk. If you drive, they increase accident risk. They also can cause confusion.

Although the benefit to you from quitting is small, if I can get a lot of people to minimize their sleep medication­s, I know I will prevent some falls.

Falls are so often the first step in a progressio­n from health to disability that I want to do all I can to prevent them.

Adequate lighting in the house at nighttime, especially between the bedroom and bathroom, avoiding obstructio­ns like area rugs and the addition of stairway railings and tub grab bars all help reduce fall risk. Exercise programs — like the kind you are doing, but also tai chi — are great at pre- venting falls. So is getting your eyes checked.

No one of these interventi­ons can prevent all falls.

All of them together will prevent many. Your medication list, even a simple over-the-counter sleeping aid, is the best place to start looking to reduce risk of falls.

ROACH ?? To Your Good Health
DR. KEITH ROACH To Your Good Health

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