Waterloo Region Record

I’m left stuck between my health and our family dog

- ELLIE Advice Columnist

Is our than beloved me? family dog more important My husband and I have two children, 12 and 10. Two years ago, we brought a dog into our home — he’s a breed that requires a lot of exercise to stay healthy. The children love the dog, as do I, but everyone else is away all day and longer if they have after-school sports and my husband’s working late. I was diagnosed six months ago with chronic fatigue syndrome. If I do too much one day, I’m bedridden for the next two days. I’m not working, so previously accepted being the caregiver for our dog who must have a two-hour walk/run twice a day. At my most recent appointmen­t, my doctor said I must give up the dog if I want to get better. I know the children will be devastated. Though my husband is too fixated on work to be more than indifferen­t about the dog, he acknowledg­es that the kids will react badly if we just give the dog away. He’s leaving the decision up to me … which makes me the bad guy if I go ahead. Me or the Dog?

The doctor doesn’t want you exhausting or harming yourself running and walking with the dog.

But I’m sure he didn’t say you can’t hire a dog-walker for two hours twice a day.

There’s also no reason why you can’t use a doggie daycare for a couple of days a week, unless your husband’s earnings can’t add on paying for these helpers.

Otherwise, on weekends, he can also pitch in as an involved dad — teaching the kids responsibi­lity, while also engaging with them in playing, running and exercising along with the dog.

Also consider seeking dog-share arrangemen­ts — i.e. finding a backup home for the dog with another family when yours plans a holiday away or you need a longer break from all dog duties.

However, despite these various aids, you are the important family member here and your health is a priority.

If nothing will help you get better as much as giving up the dog, explain it to your children the best way you can and choose a loving home eager to have this energetic dog.

Reader’s Commentary: Regarding the woman who brags she’s “top dog” in earnings/job status compared to her husband (Aug. 3):

“I’m a man who earns more than my wife, but she’s smarter than me. I have no need to feel superior to women and am enchanted by their capabiliti­es.

“I don’t need a woman to pretend to be weak and dependent to make me feel like a man.

“A dear friend once asked me, ‘Who wears the pants in your family?’ I then replied, ‘We both do, my wife doesn’t like dresses.’

“According to the letter-writer (who’s uncomforta­ble when she and her husband are with the boastful woman) the “top-dog” has

1) A serious misinterpr­etation of marriage: she sees it as a competitio­n, not a collaborat­ion. That could doom the marriage.

2) She must resent it, having bought into the various fantasies of both sexes. She believes a man is the breadwinne­r, that hers has failed to uphold his end of it and she’ll never let him or anyone else forget it.

“Imagine if, when with other couples, the husband liked to say, ‘I’m way better at sex than she is.’

“Here’s my tweet response to the issue, ‘What if her children overheard these conversati­ons between Mom and Dad?’ ”

Ellie’s tip of the day

When a family-based problem is sure to cause unhappines­s, seek small solutions first, then build to what works best.

Ellie Tesher is an advice columnist for the Star and based in Toronto. Send your relationsh­ip questions via email: ellie@thestar.ca.

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