Waterloo Region Record




G-Quest WHEN: Adventure Days WHERE: 9 — 11:30 a.m. St. George’s Anglican Church, 3 Byron St., New Hamburg CONTACT: St. George’s Anglican Church, 519-662-3450, sgac@stgeorgesn­ewhamburg.com, stgeorgesn­ewhamburg.com COST: Free Registrati­on required; stories, crafts, games and snacks for kids five to 11. To Aug. 29 Food Truck Frenzy at Forest Hill United Church WHEN: 4:30 — 8 p.m. WHERE: Forest Hill United Church, 121 Westmount Rd. E., Kitchener CONTACT: Ann Furlotte, 519580-8349, furlottean­n@gmail.com COST: Food prices vary Monthly special events for the children; minimum of four trucks per week; church profits from the sale used for many local outreach initiative­s


Trucking Tuesdays WHEN: 4:30 — 8 p.m. WHERE: Saint Luke’s United Church, 1620 Franklin Blvd., Cambridge CONTACT: Andrew Schneider, 519-658-2351, rosemary69.rb@gmail.com, saintlukes­united.org COST: Various prices for food Food trucks offer a variety of meals on the church grounds every Tuesday, rain or shine. In the event of rain, an indoor eating area provided


Faithful On This Land: Respecting Indigenous Spirituali­ty in its Own Right WHEN: 9 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Martin Luther University College, 75 University Ave. W., Waterloo CONTACT: Dorinda Kruger Allen, 519-884-0710, dkrugerall­en@luther.wlu.ca, event-wizard.com/ faithful/0/register/ COST: $20 One-day conference for educators, spiritual care providers, clergy and lay leaders; response to Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission of Canada Call to Action #60; keynote talk by Bishop Guy Erwin; workshops


Bible Study WHEN: 9:30 — 11 a.m. WHERE: Rockway Centre, 1405 King St. E., Kitchener CONTACT: Rockway Community Centre, 519741-2507, rockwaycc@kitchener.ca, kitchener.ca/en/in-your-neighbourh­ood/ rockway-centre.aspx COST: Group Card required: $15.61 for 55-plus valid Sept. 1 to Aug. 31 Group discusses “what lesson can be learned from the passage for our daily lives”; non-denominati­onal; Wednesday, 9:30 to 11 a.m. (Old Testament); Thursday, 3 to 4:30 p.m. (New Testament)


An Introducti­on to Meditation WHEN: 10 a.m. — 12 p.m. WHERE: Emmanuel United Church Waterloo, 22 Bridgeport Rd. W., Waterloo CONTACT: Palpung Yeshe Chokhor Dharma Centre, 226-9889621, palpungyes­hechokhor@gmail.com COST: Free Talk, designed for anyone interested in meditation; Lama Karma Phuntsok discusses some fundamenta­l techniques of meditation; an emphasis on mindfulnes­s and awareness

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