Waterloo Region Record

Maybe starting a trade war wasn’t the ‘greatest’ idea

Trump should consider dumping Navarro for someone who’s actually made deals


On Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump declared that tariffs — essentiall­y, taxes on consumers — were the “greatest.” His scheme to soften the pain of tariffs with a $12-billion welfare-for-farmers plan went over like a lead balloon. He was reportedly considerin­g a 25 per cent tariff on autos. This is what the Trump-Peter Navarro trade mindset looks like — chaotic, unworkable, counterpro­ductive and politicall­y untenable.

On Wednesday, thankfully, someone figured out how to make a deal, which was no deal at all, with the European Union. Let’s negotiate instead of having a trade war! Brilliant.

The Washington Post reports: “In an appearance in the White House Rose Garden, President Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said they had agreed to hold off on proposed car tariffs, and work to resolve their existing dispute on steel and aluminum tariffs, while pursuing a bilateral trade deal ... While Washington and Brussels pursue those aims, the EU will import more U.S. soybeans and liquefied natural gas, or LNG, although Juncker suggested that agreement came with conditions.”

There is less here than meets the eye. Trump did not definitive­ly agree to suspend steel and aluminum tariffs against EU countries. Similarly, Juncker did not agree to reduce tariffs on U.S. car imports. And while Trump signalled that he would not impose new tariffs on European goods, such as cars, he did not take that option entirely off the table, preserving leverage in case the talks falter. Neverthele­ss, if aides managed to to induce Trump to retreat from the brink by announcing a non-deal “deal,” then all credit to them.

For now, Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs remain. And tomorrow Trump may wake up and decide once again that tariffs are the “greatest.” If you are looking for some rhyme or reason, don’t bother. As Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., observed in a hearing with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the problem is that a president is purposely sowing doubt among allies, lawmakers and the American people. Truth be told, Trump remains confused on even the basics of trade. (He demonstrat­es his ignorance when he tweets blatant untruths such as “Lost $817 Billion on Trade last year. No weakness!”). Trump hasn’t a clue how to get a deal he’d describe as a win; he seems to carry on largely to please members of his low-informatio­n voting base, who think he is fighting for them.

Perhaps after the fiasco that has played out over the past few weeks and the pushback from Republican­s, Trump will dump Navarro, get someone as a senior trade adviser who has actually made trade deals and put this sorry episode behind us.

If Trump doesn’t understand trade, he should at least understand polls. His trade war is wreaking havoc in the very states that lifted him to the presidency. He should take a look at what voters in these states think of him and his party now. The latest NBC News-Marist polls in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota show:

“In Michigan, which Trump won by nearly 11,000 votes, 36 per cent of registered voters approve of the president’s job, while 54 per cent disapprove,” according to an NBC News report. “In Wisconsin, which he won by about 23,000 votes, another 36 per cent give Trump a thumbs up, with 52 per cent giving him a thumbs down. And in Minnesota, which Trump narrowly lost by 1.5 percentage points, his rating stands at 38 per cent approve, 51 per cent disapprove.

“In Michigan, 45 per cent of voters prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress, while 36 per cent want a GOP-controlled Congress (D+9),” the report continued. “In Minnesota, it’s 48 per cent preferring the Democrats, to 36 per cent backing the Republican­s (D+12). And in Wisconsin, Democrats hold a 47 per cent-to-39 per cent lead in congressio­nal preference (D+8).”

Less than a third of voters in these states say Trump deserves re-election.

The precipitou­s decline in the GOP’s fortunes in these states isn’t all attributab­le to Trump’s trade antics, but the poll numbers should serve as a wake-up call if Republican­s think that a generally good economy and hot-button issues (immigratio­n, NFL players kneeling) are going to save them in November. They might try standing up for U.S. interests against Russia, promoting smart economic policies and rebuking Trump when he engages in hare-brained schemes such as starting a trade war with our closest allies.

Jennifer Rubin wrote this for The Washington Post

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