Waterloo Region Record

America in better shape now than it has been in years


Re: A defiant first volley against Trump regime — Jan. 20

I must say that this movie opinion piece by Joel Rubinoff was certainly one of the less-inspired bits of virtue-signalling I’ve seen of late. Using hot-button issues and talking points and twisting them to fit a narrative using questionab­le facts is not a new thing, but it’s certainly been done more effectivel­y and less obviously by others.

Perhaps he was just feeling nostalgic for a time when David Cassidy was tearing up the charts and newspapers mattered.

The fact is that America is moving beyond the divisive identity politics pushed for years by the Democrats. Even Hollywood, which embraced this mindset with an almost religious fervour, has lost its clout of late with many Americans. It’s not a coincidenc­e that many of the recent efforts by the noisiest and most hypocritic­al progressiv­e “stars” like Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lawrence have badly flopped and made a quick trip to the $4.88 Walmart bin. I have a suspicion “The Post” will be joining them there sooner rather than later.

The facts are that America is in better shape now than it has been in years. The stock market is booming, personal wealth is improving thanks to tax cuts and deregulati­on, and companies are once again setting up shop there and providing good paying jobs. Even Trump’s detractors have had to admit that he has followed through with many of his election promises and that these are now bearing fruit.

Unfortunat­ely, many Democrats have not moved forward, instead choosing to desperatel­y onto the narrative of Russian collusion (with no evidence, despite nearly of year of digging) while moving to cause a government shutdown, all to spite Trump at the expense the Americans they clearly have no regard for.

Middle Americans have grown tired of being lectured to by these people whose only apparent skill is reciting other peoples’ words and playing an overpraise­d game of “Let’s Pretend.” There are reasons why movie attendance has fallen and even blockbuste­r films are crashing and burning. These lectures are especially tiring coming from people who suspected or even knew of abuse or other wrongdoing by co-workers but stayed silent to protect their own financial interests. Michael Fox Kitchener

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