Waterloo Region Record

Can Irma blow through the GOP’s climate change denial?

- Sarah Posner

Hurricane Irma wreaked havoc on Florida, with the northeaste­rn city of Jacksonvil­le issuing an abrupt evacuation order as the St. Johns River unexpected­ly flooded downtown streets. “Get out NOW,” the Jacksonvil­le Sheriff ’s Office tweeted Monday just before 10 a.m.

As video and images of Irma’s destructio­n dominate the news, President Donald Trump and Environmen­tal Protection Agency administra­tor Scott Pruitt continue to avoid addressing the elephant in the room: That Irma, particular­ly coming on the heels of hurricane Harvey, urgently calls on us to focus our attention on climate change.

Asked about the connection between climate change and intensifie­d storms in a White House briefing, Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert dodged the question of causation, saying, “causality is something outside my ability to analyze right now.”

Scientists agree that climate change is making storms like Irma and Harvey more intense. As Americans view the devastatio­n, and as millions experience it, one has to wonder if these storms will be a wake-up call for Republican voters, if not for their leaders.

Think about it: More than six million Floridians are without power as Irma travels northward to torment the state’s neighbours, and officials are just beginning to assess the damage to life and property. In the hard-hit Florida Keys yesterday, Monroe County Emergency Management Director Martin Senterfitt called the situation a “humanitari­an crisis,” with “disaster mortuary teams” being dispatched along with federal assistance to the area.

While some locations, like Tampa, did not get the worst-casescenar­io pummeling they feared, Irma was nonetheles­s a monster, unpreceden­ted hurricane. Yet as Irma approached Florida, and meteorolog­ists issued dire warnings of why lay ahead for the country’s third-most populous state, Pruitt, a longtime climate change denier, told CNN on Thursday that it wasn’t the right time to talk about climate change.

“To use time and effort to address it at this point is very, very insensitiv­e to the people in Florida,” he said.

At least one resident of Florida, though, begged to differ: Tomás Regalado, the Republican mayor of Miami. The day after Pruitt characteri­zed climate change talk as a thoughtles­s digression for people fearing their house would be washed away in a flood, Regalado called Irma the “poster child” for climate change.

He told the Miami Herald: “This is the time that the president and the agency and whoever makes decisions needs to talk about climate change.”

Thus far, though, there’s been silence on the topic from Pruitt, and from Trump. A visit to the climate section of the agency’s website, www.epa.gov/climatecha­nge, yields an erasure of the prior administra­tion’s groundbrea­king work on the subject. “This page is being updated,” it says. “We are currently updating our website to reflect EPA’s priorities under the leadership of President Trump and Administra­tor Pruitt.”

Those priorities thus far: Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accords and set in motion an effort to unravel Obama’s Clean Power Plan to reduce carbon emissions.

Climate scientists have no doubt that we are seeing intensifie­d storms like Irma and Harvey because of climate change. As Penn State climate scientist Michael E. Mann wrote after hurricane Harvey dropped rain on Houston that was measured in feet, not inches, “climate change worsened the impact of hurricane Harvey.” The impact of climate change, he wrote, includes sea level rise and rising sea surface temperatur­es, which make storms like Harvey more intense, with “far more flooding and destructio­n.”

Yet the Trump administra­tion still shows no signs of acknowledg­ing climate change’s existence. Trump has just nominated William Wehrun to lead EPA’s air office, where he is expected to further roll back Obama-era rules intended to combat climate change. It’s a “horrendous” choice for climate issues, according to an environmen­tal activist who spoke to Bloomberg BNA.

Trump, of course, did not bring climate change denial to the GOP. It has long been a feature of Republican orthodoxy, egged on by conservati­ve media and other antiscienc­e elements of the Republican base, who portray it, like Trump has, as a “hoax” and a pretext for burdensome and costly government regulation­s.

Yet even now, the Trump administra­tion and Republican leadership appear totally in thrall to climate change denialism or uninterest­ed in any sort of action. It remains to be seen if, for Harvey’s and Irma’s victims who deny climate change but lost loved ones or homes or businesses, if these storms will be a political wake-up call.

It’s a step forward for the mayor of Miami to call out Trump and Pruitt. Time will tell if Republican voters follow his lead.

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