Vancouver Sun

Capital gains tax changes to proceed


OTTAWA • The Liberal government will bring its proposal to increase the inclusion rate on capital gains to the House of Commons before the parliament­ary summer break, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said Tuesday.

“In the coming weeks, and certainly before the House rises, we will begin the legislativ­e process to implement our increase in the inclusion rate,” Freeland confirmed during a news conference.

The finance minister announced the capital gains tax changes as part of her April budget, but left the new inclusion rate out of the budget legislatio­n she tabled last month.

The Liberals must table a motion in the House of Commons before they bring forward the actual legislatio­n.

The government says that even if a bill has not yet passed, the change will take effect on June 25.

The government proposes to make two-thirds of capital gains taxable.

Currently, only one-half of the profits made on the sale of assets — such as stocks or secondary real estate property — are taxed.

The higher inclusion rate will apply to all capital gains realized by corporatio­ns, while individual­s will only face the higher inclusion rate on capital gains of more than $250,000.

The idea has garnered significan­t attention and pushback.

Lobby groups representi­ng businesses and doctors who expect to be affected by the changes have called on the government to reconsider the increase to the inclusion rate.

However, Liberals have defended the effective tax increase on capital gains, arguing that Canada needs to raise more revenue to pay for things like housing and health care.

The Liberal government estimates the higher inclusion rate will generate $19.4 billion over the next five years.

Introducin­g the capital gains tax changes in a standalone bill will force every federal party to take a position on the proposal.

As Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre looks to court the working-class vote, it remains unclear how his party will navigate the vote.

Freeland took the opportunit­y on Tuesday to call Poilievre out for not taking a stance on the proposed tax changes yet.

“I have certainly observed over the past week the Conservati­ve leader equivocati­ng, dodging, deflecting when asked about his position on our plan for tax fairness,” Freeland said.

 ?? Chrystia Freeland ??
Chrystia Freeland

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