Vancouver Sun

Give your brain a boost


Exercising for 25 minutes a week, or less than four minutes a day, could help to bulk up our brains and improve our ability to think as we grow older.

A new study, which involved scanning the brains of more than 10,000 healthy men and women from ages 18 to 97, found that those who walked, swam, cycled or otherwise worked out moderately for 25 minutes a week had bigger brains than those who didn't, whatever their ages. Bigger brains typically mean healthier brains.

The difference­s were most pronounced in parts of the brain involved with thinking and memory, which often shrink as we age, contributi­ng to risks for cognitive decline and dementia.

“This is an exciting finding and gives us more fuel for the idea that being physically active can help maintain brain volume across the life span,” said David Raichlen, a professor of biological sciences and anthropolo­gy at the University of Southern California. He studies brain health but was not involved with the new study.

The results have implicatio­ns about how little of that exercise we may really need.

“We wondered, if we chose a very low threshold of exercise what would we see?” said Cyrus A. Raji, an associate professor of radiology and neurology at Washington University in St. Louis, who led the new study.

He and his colleagues were well aware that physically active older people are far less likely than the sedentary to develop Alzheimer's disease or other types of memory loss and cognitive decline.

But he also knew that few people in the real world exercise much. Would less — even far less — exercise still help to build healthier brains?

What about, for instance, 25 minutes of exercise a week, a sixth of the 150 minutes recommende­d in most formal exercise guidelines?

Raji and his colleagues turned to existing brain scans for 10,125 mostly healthy adults of all ages who'd come to the university medical centre for diagnostic tests. These patients had provided informatio­n about their medical histories and how often and strenuousl­y they'd exercised during the past two weeks. The researcher­s divided them into those who'd exercised for at least 25 minutes a week and those who hadn't.

Then, with the aid of artificial intelligen­ce, they compared scans and exercise habits, looking for difference­s in brain volume, or how much space a brain and its constituen­t parts fill. More volume is generally desirable.

A pattern emerged. Men and women, of any age, who exercised for at least 25 minutes a week showed mostly greater brain volume than those who didn't. The difference­s weren't huge but were significan­t, Raji said.

In the organ, they found that exercisers possessed greater volume in every type of brain tissue, including grey matter, made up of neurons, and white matter, the brain's wiring infrastruc­ture, which supports and connects the thinking cells.

More granularly, the exercisers tended to have a larger hippocampu­s, a portion of the brain essential for memory and thinking. It usually shrinks as we age, affecting our ability to reason and recall.

They also showed larger frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, which, together, signal a healthy, robust brain.

“It was surprising and encouragin­g ” to see these effects, Raji said.

This study was associatio­nal, meaning it showed links between exercise and brain health, but not that exercise necessaril­y caused the improvemen­ts. So it's possible other lifestyle factors or genetics were at play, or that people with big brains just happened to like exercise.

But given the number of scans and the wide age range, Raji believes the effects of exercise were real and direct.

Exactly how exercise might be altering brains is impossible to say from this study. But Raji and his colleagues believe exercise reduces inflammati­on in the brain and encourages the release of neurochemi­cals that promote the creation of new brain cells and blood vessels.

In effect, exercise seems to help build and bank a “structural brain reserve,” he said, a buffer of extra cells and matter that could protect us somewhat from the otherwise inevitable decline in brain size and function that occurs as we age. Our brains may still shrink over the years. But, if we exercise, this fall starts from a higher baseline.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? A study has found that those who exercised moderately for just 25 minutes a week had a greater brain volume than those who didn't.
GETTY IMAGES A study has found that those who exercised moderately for just 25 minutes a week had a greater brain volume than those who didn't.

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