Vancouver Sun


If you want to freshen things up at home for the new year, it's worth checking out Pantone's 2024 colour of the year: Peach Fuzz. Rebecca Keillor asked six home design profession­als to share their thoughts on this colour and how they might use it.


First impression­s of Pantone's Peach Fuzz?

“I'm a fan! Just last week, I saw someone at the park wearing a toque in this colour, and I made a note to get one myself. It's feminine and fun but not pink.” What does it make you think of ? “Summer sunsets, Champagne, warm temperatur­es, baby snuggles, natural beauty and understate­d luxury.”

Can you see yourself using it? “Yes, I can. Probably in future photograph­y backdrops for my ceramics. I think it pairs really well with the light-textured tones of my glaze. I also like the idea of layered different tonal gradients of this shade.”

Why do you think Pantone chose it?

“Because we're still loving soft neutrals!”


First impression­s of Pantone's Peach Fuzz?

“My first impression of the new colour is a feeling of coziness and comfort, and something fresh like spring. It makes me think of warm and fuzzy things. And it is also playful and sweet; maybe it is a fancy cotton candy with a peachy taste.”

Can you see yourself using it? “I would absolutely use it in my art and also in my choice of clothes like some soft peach colour fuzzy things.”

Why do you think Pantone chose it?

“Because it gives a very warm and loving feeling.”


First impression­s of Pantone's Peach Fuzz?

“While I do like deeper peach tones, this one is a little too flesh-coloured for me.”

Can you see yourself using it? “In exactly this hue — no. But I do see myself using deeper tones of this colour, which can look very earthy and comforting.”

Why do you think Pantone chose it?

“In times when we're collective­ly going through so much turmoil and upheaval, this fleshy peach tone almost nudges you to recalibrat­e and take a deep breath. It's gentle, comforting and a little poetic. Who can say no to that?”


First impression­s of Pantone's Peach Fuzz? “Positive, bright, uplifting.” What does it make you think of ? “Morning sunrise, spring, warmth and freshness, citrus and crisp, vibrant sweet.”

Can you see yourself using it? “Yes, I have been using this colour for years. As a lighting designer, this colour and hue remind me of a warm light 2000-2500K. Not used in the context of a paint or material but as light in a space.”

“Beyond using this colour as light, I could imagine it would also work well as an accent to bright and muted spaces to add some vibrancy.”

Why do you think Pantone chose it?

“Hopefully in the context of freshness, new beginnings, a brighter future.”



First impression­s of Pantone's Peach Fuzz? “According to Ikea's recent Life at Home report, the most important aspect of an ideal home for Canadians is that it helps them unwind and relax.

“When Canadians imagine their life in an ideal home, the top outcomes are feeling happy, relaxed and content, and secure. So the cheerful yet soft and relaxing colour of Peach Fuzz is a great fit.” How would you use it?

“At Ikea, we have four key style groups that help us steer product developmen­t and range presentati­on. Peach Fuzz is a natural reflection of our Scandinavi­an modern and internatio­nal modern styles; it's modern and simple yet bold and playful. And I personally love modern design, so it fits my style.”


First impression­s of Pantone's Peach Fuzz?

“Love it. I find this colour acts as a neutral. It transition­s so well depending on the other colours you pair with it.”

What does it make you think of ? “One of our team's favourite colours we consistent­ly use in projects is Winthrop Peach from Benjamin Moore — a similar colour.” How would you use it? “We've used this colour in Just Another's patio (café and bar), in Casa Versace's home office, Casa Barrera's ensuite, Bricklayer Brewing, La Bomba Floristry's floors, and Qali Hair Salon.”

Why do you think Pantone chose it?

“This is a `happy and healthy' colour. I think the choosing of this colour is a reflection of the focus on our individual health and wellness.”

 ?? PANTONE ?? Pantone's Peach Fuzz shade is drawing praise from designers for the way it evokes a warm and fuzzy, happy and healthy feel.
PANTONE Pantone's Peach Fuzz shade is drawing praise from designers for the way it evokes a warm and fuzzy, happy and healthy feel.
 ?? IKEA ?? Peach Fuzz is reflected in Ikea's modern shelving pieces.
IKEA Peach Fuzz is reflected in Ikea's modern shelving pieces.
 ?? IKEA ?? This room is decorated in Peach Fuzz shades by Ikea.
IKEA This room is decorated in Peach Fuzz shades by Ikea.

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