Vancouver Sun

Creating community for fans of ethical fashion


The team behind the Canadian online style destinatio­n The Garment are part personal stylists, part champions of socially conscious shopping.

Through a monthly membership program, the website’s team offers fashion advice, purchasing tips and a curated selection of pieces from “responsibl­e brands” that meet their “ethical criteria.”

We caught up with Morgan Hamel, founder and CEO of the company, to learn more.

Q For those who aren’t familiar, what is The Garment?

A The Garment is a company that is changing the face of fashion by connecting people and responsibl­e brands. We search the world to find responsibl­e brands that meet our ethical criteria, The Garment Standard, and then connect our community to the garments we love.

Q How did it all come about?

A The Garment began when my journey through pregnancy and postpartum wardrobe sorting revealed that I had more clothes than I could ever need or want. I realized that my constant shopping wasn’t filling the need for connection and recognitio­n that I wanted to achieve by buying clothes, and the brands I was buying weren’t reflective of the value and commitment to sustainabi­lity that was so important in other areas of my life. I started sourcing brands I loved, and my friends started buying those garments, and then I identified a gap between the makers making the items and the people in the world who wanted them but couldn’t find them.

Q Who is the target customer?

A We bring together people who want their closets to align with the ethical folks they are.

Q What makes it unique from other fashion destinatio­ns?

A The Garment is unique in that we are less about selling clothes and more about community.

Q How are the makers/products selected?

A Garments are assessed against The Garment Standard, which is a comprehens­ive, codified, holistic ethical standard that can be reasonably applied to a fashion business to establish a baseline of responsibl­e and sustainabl­e practices. What’s unique about it ... is that we start with whether the product is good quality and cute. If it doesn’t pass that, we go no further.

Q And what about the membership aspect of The Garment?

A First, we help our collective members get clarity on their true style. Next we are able to support them in finding contentmen­t with what they have, making their investment­s more meaningful and impactful. Lastly, we equip members with the knowledge they need to assess brands on their own, so that they are in a position to buy clothes that are better for people and the world.

Q What is the price?

A Membership in The Garment Collective is US$60 per year

Q Where can people learn more?


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