Vancouver Sun

Top court to hold hearings via Zoom


The Supreme Court of Canada will for the first time hold its hearings entirely remotely, convening using Zoom video software next week to keep justice moving despite COVID-19 restrictio­ns.

The imposing building of Canada’s top court in Ottawa, overlookin­g the Ottawa River, remains closed to visitors to curtail coronaviru­s spread.

On Tuesday, nonetheles­s, the nine justices will again don their flowing black robes and white collars and bands, but instead of walking in a line into the majestic main courtroom and sitting in red leather chairs backed by black walnut walls, each will turn on their computer and log in, either in their office or from home.

Similarly, lawyers presenting arguments to the court will be robed, but sitting at computers of their own, wherever they may be.

Barring technical difficulty — the chance of which has been reduced by several dry runs and security protocols — Chief Justice Richard Wagner will call the court’s first remote hearing to order.

“While the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to close our building to physical visitors for everyone’s health and safety, it hasn’t stopped us from doing our work,” Wagner said in a statement.

“We may not be able to welcome members of the public to our physical courtroom, but we are excited to invite everyone to our virtual courtroom for the first time.”

The court has been looking for ways to restart operations suspended by the pandemic.

“We’re not really trying to create anything new, just simply to ensure we can continue to hear cases and deliver justice to Canadians, as is our duty,” said Renée Thériault, executive legal officer to the chief justice.

“This is a new reality for everyone and our focus has been on the submission­s, so they can proceed just as they would in the courtroom. We are following the same procedures and customs in the virtual hearing with all of the necessary adjustment­s,” she said.

“It will proceed as naturally as it can.”

The court has been breathing new life and technology into the 145-year-old institutio­n.

In 2007, in a push for modernizat­ion, new audio-visual equipment, wifi and a wheelchair accessible lectern were added to the court’s building. Laptop computers were embedded in the bench for the judges. Hearings have been webcast since 2009.

In another first, the court travelled to Winnipeg in September, where it held two hearings. It was the first time the court held hearings outside of Ottawa. And now they are being held from anywhere the judges might be.

Other courts have moved to video hearings during the pandemic, including the Federal Court of Canada, which also uses Zoom. When it started, the FCC noted high-profile security problems during some Zoom conference­s and said it consulted with Canadian government cybersecur­ity specialist­s before starting.

Thériault said the Supreme Court also developed security protocols to protect the hearings.

While it is not a world’s first, she believes it will be the first remote court hearing with simultaneo­us translatio­n, as the court’s proceeding­s are bilingual.

If all goes well, a modest landmark in Canada’s legal history will be made when the case of Owners Strata Plan LMS 3905 v. Crystal Square Parking Corporatio­n is called to order.

It did not seem a case destined for national headlines, being a dispute over parking spaces in Burnaby, B.C.

Wednesday’s case seems heftier.

Sivalogana­than Thanabalas­ingham, a refugee from Sri Lanka, was charged with murdering his wife in Montreal in 2012. After legal delays, his trial was not scheduled until 2017. A Quebec judge ruled the time it took getting his case to trial was unreasonab­le. His charge was stayed but he was deported. Despite the deportatio­n, prosecutor­s still want to pursue the murder charge.

Other cases scheduled for the first week of virtual hearings include a so-called dial-a-dope case of Cheung Wai Wallace Li on Thursday. The B.C. man pleaded guilty to one count of traffickin­g in cocaine but claimed the charge was due to police entrapment. An undercover police officer repeatedly phoned a mobile drug trafficker and arranged delivery of cocaine, many of which were delivered by Li, court heard.

The last case of the week is from Manitoba.

Haben Abrham Weldekidan allegedly shot three people. While the victims were recovering in hospital, each gave a video statement to police naming Weldekidan as the gunman. Later, they said their memories of their assailants’ identity had evaporated; the video statements were ruled inadmissib­le and Weldekidan was acquitted.

All of the hearings will also be livestream­ed on the court’s website.

Those wishing to be a virtual observer on Zoom must pre-register through the Supreme Court’s website by 1 p.m. on June 5.

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