Vancouver Sun



Whenever I have an insect question, I always turn to David Gillespie, a retired entomologi­st. He kindly puts up with me requesting identifica­tion of an incredible range of insects brought in by homeowners who are worried about the potential damage to their homes and gardens.

Gillespie has been widely recognized for his contributi­ons to agricultur­e and biological control, and was appointed to the Order of Canada in 2015, and conferred an honorary degree from the Faculty of Applied Science at Simon Fraser University in 2016.

“Of the insects found in our homes and gardens, at least 95 per cent are either beneficial or benefit the environmen­t in some unique way,” Gillespie says.

How did he become interested in insects?

“Well, I wanted to be a scientist, and while attending Simon Fraser University, the in-thing back then was to become a marine biologist. With such a high demand for these courses and with limited spaces, I elected to take some entomology options. I was fortunate to have a number of professors who were passionate about the broad diversity of insects in this world and how they interacted with each other and the environmen­t. It was fascinatin­g, and I, too, became deeply interested in this important discipline.”

Gillespie earned not only his bachelor of science but also his master’s and PhD degrees at SFU. From 1987 to 2016 he worked at the Agricultur­e and AgriFood Canada Research Centre in Agassiz, retiring in 2016 as a senior research scientist. His work focus was the agricultur­al community and developing ways to control insects without using harmful pesticides.

The introducti­ons of Hypoaspis to control fungus gnats and Amblyseius cucumeris (a predatory mite) to control thrips, as well as the use of yellow sticky tapes for the control of white flies are just some of the significan­t accomplish­ments of his team. These discoverie­s are being used in many commercial greenhouse­s and on organic farms.

Over the years, Gillespie has learned a lot about the insect world.

“Based on keen observatio­n, the best insect control is often doing nothing. In home gardens, the same principal applies. A diversity of plants is important,” he says.

“Whether you grow edibles or colour plants, having a wide variety allows for the attraction of many different predatory insects and spiders to, hopefully, create a natural control.

“If you are having particular problems with an insect pest, learn a bit about its life cycle and biology. For example, if you are having problems with defoliatio­n on a snowball viburnum due to leaf beetle, consider replacing this shrub in your landscape or, better yet, get one of the resistant varieties of viburnum from your local nursery.”

We should never forget that there are good bugs in our gardens.

“Spiders are among our best friends, and a diverse garden is their best habitat,” observes Gillespie. “They are one of the top insect controller­s, using a variety of means from snaring insects in webs to running them down, then biting and injecting

Based on keen observatio­n, the best insect control is often doing nothing. DAVID GILLESPIE, retired entomologi­st

them with venom. They live on foliage and flowers, under logs and wood planks and burrow undergroun­d,”

What about spiders that bite us?

“They are very few and far between,” Gillespie says. “One of the most notable is the hobo spider (Eratigena agrestis). They are capable of biting, but they are shy; real scaredy-cats. They tend to hide behind and under things, so either wear gloves or be observant when moving wood or working in old sheds and buildings. The related giant house spider (Eratigena atrica) will eat hobo spiders.

“We have a number of species of ground beetle (family Carabidae) in the Lower Mainland, and they are beneficial in so many ways. They are active insect predators in soils, and they eat root weevils. They also eat slug and snail eggs. In addition, they eat weed seeds in both your garden and compost pile, and they are not plant eaters. To attract more beetles, put down planks as a habitat for them.

“Paper wasps (genus Polistes) — not to be confused with yellow jackets — are great predators, and they can consume large numbers of caterpilla­rs. There are hundreds of varieties of parasitic wasps that are no danger to humans because they cannot sting us. They have a stinger but they use it to paralyze and lay eggs inside other insects. Their larvae will kill the host. They play a significan­t role in biological control.

“It’s important to remember that every pest in the garden has a predator.”

“There are two things to know about ladybugs. They are not great aphid predators, and they are not native ladybugs. They are being collected from the wild in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California, and this could cause the natural population­s of California to be depleted.

“Better aphid predators are the tiny, delicate flies named Aphidolete­s. These flies lay eggs in aphid colonies, and their small, bright orange larvae destroy the colony. Dill weed flowers will attract them to your garden.

“Flower flies (the syrphid family) are great aphid predators as well. Their larvae also feed on aphids. Open-faced flowers in the daisy and carrot families will attract them. Earwigs are actually omnivores, not just plant feeders. OK, they may nibble on grapes, dahlias and carrots, but you might put up with them because they eat numerous pests.”

If you were to buy one insect for your garden, what would it be?

“Lacewings,” was Gillespie’s unequivoca­l response, explaining that they are very effective at insect control, and are now being farmed commercial­ly.

During hot summer weather when we begin to see spider mites on many of our plants, both indoors and out, Gillespie recommends not spraying with a pest control product for fear of harming our native predatory mites, which are the best control for them.

Instead, Gillespie suggests spraying and misting spider mites with water is the most effective home garden control.

“We learned this in the Okanagan on fruit trees,” he says.

 ?? DAVID GILLESPIE ?? Flower flies can be attracted into gardens by bright, open-faced flowers. Their larvae feed on aphids.
DAVID GILLESPIE Flower flies can be attracted into gardens by bright, open-faced flowers. Their larvae feed on aphids.
 ??  ?? Above: Most species of spiders in gardens are beneficial, and consume large numbers of insects. Below left: The larvae of Aphidoltes are bright orange, and they are voracious aphid predators. Below right: Ground beetles of all sorts are common in the...
Above: Most species of spiders in gardens are beneficial, and consume large numbers of insects. Below left: The larvae of Aphidoltes are bright orange, and they are voracious aphid predators. Below right: Ground beetles of all sorts are common in the...
 ??  ?? Paper wasps such as Polistes dominula can be common in the garden, and are voracious predators of caterpilla­rs.
Paper wasps such as Polistes dominula can be common in the garden, and are voracious predators of caterpilla­rs.
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