Vancouver Sun

Americans apologize to Canada for Trump’s behaviour


My mother was a proud Canadian. She passed away some time ago but would have reminded me not to cast a belief on an entire people or race based on the actions of one of their members.

I hope Canadians know most Americans are outraged by the behaviours of our elected leader. Our ongoing democratic experiment is imperfect, but one day a fat, green helicopter will escort him and his family off the White House grounds, hopefully sooner than later.

Chad Jerky, Seattle

Dear Canadians,

Please know that the boorish behaviour, bullying and ignorance of Donald Trump is appalling to not only Canadians but to many Americans. I never thought I would be embarrasse­d to be an American, but since the rise of Trump, that is the case.

Political engagement among liberals here has skyrockete­d as we do our bit to save our democracy and preserve our alliances.

My profound apologies.

Jennifer Rihn, Mountain View, Calif.

President Donald Trump’s recent behaviour at the G7 meeting, alienating our traditiona­l U.S. allies and specifical­ly insulting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the most infantile manner, is a betrayal to U.S. citizens who have long enjoyed warm relationsh­ips with our Canadian friends across the border.

Don’t worry, Canada! When we get our political levers in alignment, we will consign Trump to the dust bin of history, where he belongs.

John F. Christense­n, Corbett, Ore.

As a U.S. citizen, I was mortified by the weekend activities of Trump on Canadian soil.

Here, with a few modest suggestion­s for the federal government: Issue no invitation­s to officials from the White House. Accept no invitation­s from the White House. If there are communicat­ions, issue polite responses only. Bring the ambassador back from D.C. for “consultati­ons.” Respond vigorously to any tariffs.

And keep up the good work against the bullying. The White House should not be able to get away with this travesty.

Roger Burr, Burnaby

My wife and I live in California but have visited Vancouver at least 50 or 60 times in the past 40 years. We love B.C. and have many friends in and around Vancouver.

Please know that the buffoon in the White House who insulted Mr. Trudeau does not represent most of us and does not speak for us.

His election was a one-time anomaly, engineered in part with help from Moscow.

Give us a couple of years and we’ll get things back to normal; maybe even sooner if Mr. Mueller (special counsel Robert) can get things in place.

Jay Berman, Manhattan Beach

President Donald Trump continues to alienate friends and allies of the United States while praising those with whom the U.S. has had serious historical and current political, strategic, human-rights and environmen­tal difference­s.

No one better epitomizes the nationalis­tic, chauvinist­ic, xenophobic, racist ugly-American stereotype than Mr. Trump.

However, most Americans do not share Mr. Trump’s irrational, deceitful, narrow-minded and regressive views.

Most Americans do not support his leadership style or his propensity to criticize our closest geopolitic­al friends and neighbours.

Canada, please remember that the majority of Americans did not vote for him in 2016 and it is only by the quirk of the archaic electoralc­ollege system that he is in a position to cause so much damage.

To our friends and neighbours around the world, and especially to Canada, on behalf of the many Americans who value you and what you stand for, I am sorry, very sorry.

Kirk Gulden, Bellingham

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