Vancouver Sun



By 2036, according to Statistics Canada, 13 to 16 per cent of Canada’s population will have a non-Christian religion. In Vancouver, the figure is slightly higher: 20 to 24 per cent. What this suggests, of course, is that a majority of Canadians 20 years from now are likely to identify with Christiani­ty, as 67.3 per cent do now, followed by the 24 per cent who profess no religion. The balance is made up of Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, Aboriginal (Traditiona­l) and a host of others, from Baha’i to Wiccan.

Given the dominance of Christiani­ty, the pervasiven­ess of Christmas should come neither as a surprise nor an affront to the non-observant. Rather, the Christmas story teaches universal concepts that all people of goodwill can embrace.

Consider that a baby born into the humblest of circumstan­ces to an unwed mother and a simple carpenter is still celebrated 2,000 years later, proving that social status, money and privilege are of little consequenc­e. Joseph and Mary had more in common with homeless people who take refuge in shelters than those who live in affluent neighbourh­oods. Judge not, that ye be not judged, advised Jesus in Matthew 7:13.

The Christmas story illustrate­s that greatness comes not from might but from compassion, from those who care for the poor, the vulnerable, the dispossess­ed. Herod, for all his grandeur, did not understand that leadership emanates from service, not from issuing orders.

Recall that Joseph, Mary and their newborn fled to Egypt under threat that Herod would kill the child he saw as a usurper to his rule. They threw themselves on the mercy of foreigners, not unlike the refugees of our day escaping conflict and oppression. The story tells us to open our arms to these strangers and to protect them from harm.

The Christmas story asks us to consider that the most extensive political and social structure in western civilizati­on, the Roman Empire, began to crumble in part because of a competing ideology that urged followers to love their enemies, to turn the other cheek and to pray for those who persecute them.

The story tells us not to dismiss the importance of wonder — the Three Wise Men following a star to a manger in Bethlehem, shepherds in the fields hearing the angels sing and children opening their gifts on Christmas morning. Wonder enriches our lives.

The message of Christmas is that it’s is not about the latest smartphone, it is about generosity. As Paul quoted Jesus saying: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Besides, that object wrapped in Christmas paper, ribbon and bows is only a symbol of the real gift — one that has no price tag, the gift of love.

Merry Christmas.

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