Vancouver Sun



August 25, 2017

Celebritie­s born on this day: Blake Lively, 30; Tim Burton, 59; Elvis Costello, 63; Sean Connery, 87.

Happy Birthday! Don’t let temptation get the best of you this year. Look over details carefully and read the fine print before you agree to any sort of change that will affect your home, profession­al position or your relationsh­ip with partners. Look for the simple yet effective way to accomplish your goals and you will avoid being taken advantage of. Your numbers are 9, 13, 18, 21, 24, 33, 45.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): A change in your environmen­t will leave you at odds about your next move. Give whatever situation you face time to settle before you make a decision that will change an important relationsh­ip with someone special. ★★★

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): An unexpected situation will surface quickly. Refuse to get caught up in the moment. Consider the pros and cons before you engage in an emotionall­y draining encounter. If someone pressures you or uses emotional manipulati­on, walk away. ★★★

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Express your emotions openly and you will be able to bridge a gap that has been causing problems between you and someone you deal with regularly. Compromise will help you find common ground. ★★★★★

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Partnershi­p troubles will surface if you let your emotions take over. Get the facts and take time to digest the informatio­n. Excessive behavior will lead to weight gain or poor health. Focus on yourself, not what others are doing. ★★

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Keep the momentum going. Stay on top of whatever job or responsibi­lity you’ve been given until you finish. Living up to your word will result in added respect and favors from people counting on you.are encouraged.Home improvemen­ts★★★★

VIRGO Consider (Aug. your 23-Sept. current 22): positionyo­ur living, and but how don’t you let earn an incidentan impulsive push decisionyo­u to makethat could Protect disrupt against your loss cashas well flow. as impulsive purchases. ★★★

LIBRAKeep your (Sept. life 23-Oct. simple, 22): be direct and don’t let your emotions take over. Someone will take advantage of your vulnerabil­ity if you are too open about the way you feel. Keep business and personal matters separate. ★★★

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Hidden matters, secrets and personal informatio­n should be protected. Someone will be pushy and persuasive in order to get you to disclose matters that could make you look bad. Stay focused on making positive personal gains and changes. ★★★

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): An opportunit­y to get ahead profession­ally is apparent. Send out your resume or set up interviews. Don’t make any changes that will be costly. Negotiate on your own behalf and take care of personal finances and health issues. ★★★★

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Too much of anything will lead to distractio­ns, mistakes and mishaps. Don’t trust anyone to take care of your responsibi­lities or personal affairs. Do your best to keep the peace and to offer kindness over discord. ★★

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Don’t let others’ reactions deter you from following through with your plans. A personal contract you share with someone will be challenged. Don’t make assumption­s or overreact. Keep the peace and work on making self-improvemen­ts, not trying to change others. ★★★★★

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Someone will take advantage of you if you are gullible. Don’t let anyone play on your emotions or talk you into making changes that aren’t going to help you get ahead. ★★★

Birthday Baby: You are progressiv­e, responsive and insightful. You are persistent and persuasive.

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