Vancouver Sun

Group runs laced with fun benefits


The 33rd annual Vancouver Sun Run — set for Sunday, April 23 — has inspired people of all ages and skills to lace up for SportMedBC’s InTraining clinics around the province, including Glen Schaefer, who filed this recent report, which has been edited for length:

Like everyone else, my life can be pretty busy. With a wife, two sons, a dog and a career, getting in a run or some other physical activity can be a real challenge.

I’ve adapted the best I can and squeeze in my workouts when I can during lunch hours, occasional­ly running to or from work, multi-tasking by running instead of walking the dog, or popping over to the neighbourh­ood rec centre and hitting the treadmill after our youngest is in bed.

A consequenc­e of my ‘squeezing it in’ approach is that the vast majority of my runs are on my own. Some people love running alone, saying it gives them time to themselves to decompress or zone out. My wife is firmly in this camp. Even if she runs with me, she wears her headphones!

As an introvert, I’ve got one foot in this camp but I also really enjoy running with another human being from time to time. Participat­ing in the SportMedBC InTraining clinics for the Sun Run reminded me of the many reasons why.

First, and maybe most importantl­y, having plans with someone else, or a group in this case, is great accountabi­lity.

Mondays at 7 p.m. when the clinic meets is in the calendar and no matter how much I don’t feel like going (especially in the dark and sometimes snow!), not going doesn’t really feel like an option.

A related benefit is that everyone at home knows about the commitment so there’s no negotiatin­g or asking permission. Another reason I like running with others is that the time goes by way faster when you’re chatting away with somebody. Any distractio­n is a good distractio­n as far as I’m concerned.

Running with other people can also be very motivating.

For instance, one guy in our clinic is trying to beat his 19-year-old son who beat him last year without doing any training. He wants to show his son that putting in work makes a difference.

So not only is this guy improving his fitness, he’s parenting at the same time.

Lastly, a benefit specific to the Sun Run clinic workouts are that they are structured and led by amazing volunteers (special shout-out to Leigh and Alison!). So in addition to having the workout scheduled for me, the group leaders tell me where to go and when to speed up and slow down.

And speaking of shout-outs, good luck to everyone running or walking this weekend!

 ??  ?? Matt Colpitts
Matt Colpitts

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