Vancouver Sun


When employment just isn’t enough


More than half a million people in B.C. live in poverty, nearly a quarter of them children whose families struggle every day to provide the basics of life: nutritious food, warm clothing and safe shelter.

The solution to improving the lives of these families is not as simple as: “Get a job.” That’s because a significan­t number of impoverish­ed British Columbians are already working.

They are the working poor — people who report to their bosses each day, pay taxes, and yet don’t have enough income to cover all their bills.

A family of four is impoverish­ed, according to Statistics Canada, if it has an annual after-tax income of $41,866 or less, including all mon- ey from government programs such as the federal child benefit payment.

B.C. has the highest rate of working poor in the country, who have a median income of just $15,000. Of Canada’s largest cities, Vancouver was second-worst with more than 100,000 low-income earners, or nearly one in 10 of the workingage population.

“Right behind (Toronto) stands Vancouver — Canada’s second richest city. In both cities, working poverty is growing faster than anywhere else in the country,” says a recent report by the Ontario-based Metcalf Foundation.

Once you remove children, postsecond­ary students, and young people still living with their parents from B.C.’s list of 600,000 poor, you are left with more than 450,000 working-age adults — and 40 per cent of them have jobs.

Jean-Pierre Kigonga makes $17 an hour working the night shift at a manual labour job. He and his wife, Sandrine Ekoko, are raising their two young girls in east Vancouver on his salary of roughly $30,000 (after taxes), plus $10,000 a year from the federal child benefit payments.

Ekoko has also been collecting disability payments of $819 a month (she wears leg braces and has a twisted spine following a childhood car accident), but that support will end this spring once Kigonga’s wages for the year reach $12,000 — the maximum amount a family can earn before the provincial government cuts off disability payments.

“When you take (my salary), you pay rent, insurance, gas, it is not enough,” said Kigonga. “We go to Superstore, and I say, ‘ Don’t buy too much food because we need diapers.’”

When the couple came to Canada as refugees from the Congo about seven years ago, they spoke Swahili but no English.

They are trying to upgrade their literacy skills through free classes at the Canucks Family Education Centre in east Vancouver, which also provides its vulnerable students free child care, food, bus tickets, diapers and children’s clothing.

Simple chores like cooking and cleaning can be very difficult for Ekoko, 32, who needs a wheelchair or a cane to get around, but this charitable centre gives her hope and helps the family meet needs they simply cannot afford.

“Today, I say thank God for this program. I cry inside,” she said. “I find everything in Vancouver is very expensive.”

A family of four needs to earn almost double what Kigonga and Ekoko live on to meet a bare-bones budget, according to several organizati­ons campaignin­g for a “living wage” in B.C. In Vancouver, the campaign estimates that both adults in the family would need to work full-time and make $20.64 per hour, for a total of $75,130 annually.

In Victoria, where rent is the highest expense families face, a living wage would be $20.02. It is $16.28 in the Fraser Valley, where child care is the top budget item, according to the living wage campaign, started in part by First Call child advocacy coalition.

In 2014, more than one-third of families in Vancouver earned less than the living wage, says First Call’s 2016 Child Poverty Report Card. The document also reveals that for the 20th year in a row, one in five children live in poverty in B.C. — the only province without a poverty-reduction plan.

Poverty is evident in the many students who go to school without lunch bags or coats, and the thousands of names on affordable housing lists. Every day, difficult decisions are made: Pay the phone bill or buy food.

“If I had to sit down and figure out what I spend versus what I get, then they don’t match. ... I spend as little as possible and that’s about the only way to keep going,” said Maureen O’Malley, a single mother of two from Coquitlam who is struggling to find full-time work.

“My son needed new runners for school. ... He spent a few weeks tromping around in some shoes he found and got teased by the other kids about them. And that kind of thing separates him from the others and drains his confidence.”

Nearly half the children in B.C. being raised by single mothers live in poverty, according to a Canadian Centre for Policy Alternativ­es report. A third of female seniors who live alone are also impoverish­ed.

Poverty grinds people down, but it strains society too. Advocates and academics argue that supporting a family living in poverty will cost far more in the long run than paying up front to help raise the standard of living for the poor.

Among the solutions are a higher minimum wage, $10-a-day child care, more affordable housing, better access to adult education, and greater welfare and disability payments.

Many of these poverty-related issues are expected to be hot topics during the coming provincial election campaign, which kicks off in little more than two weeks. Polling for Postmedia shows the public supports some of these povertyred­uction measures, including a child-care plan, which the NDP has promised to pursue if elected.

The opposition party has not unveiled its full platform yet, but has indicated it would also increase the minimum wage from $10.85 to $15 an hour.

Under the Liberal party, which has been in power for 16 years, the minimum wage is set to rise in September to $11.35 — which will put it just above the average minimum wage in Canada. B.C., though, has a sky-high cost of living, fuelled by outrageous housing prices, spikes in government fees such as transit and electricit­y, the cost of child care jumping by more than a third, and grocery bills ballooning.

“In Metro Vancouver, between 2007 and 2014, the increase in ... expenses overall was 18 per cent, while the median income of twoparent, two-child families only increased by 10 per cent,” says the First Call report.

The Liberals’ budget promises to cut MSP premiums in half for families earning less than $120,000, and to increase disability payments by $50, two measures that will help the working poor. But is this enough to make a difference? B.C. had forecast a $2.24-billion surplus going into this budget. Should it have spent more trying to give a leg up to its poorest citizens?

Premier Christy Clark declined to speak to The Sun about poverty. In her place, Jobs Minister Shirley Bond said the budget also offered tax breaks for middle-class families, and argued that today fewer children are living in poverty and fewer full-time, adult workers are paid the minimum wage because of the province’s strong economy.

“I’m not going to diminish the discussion about the importance of having a wage that allows people to care for their families, but I’m also going to do that in the context of the circumstan­ces that exist today,” the longtime Liberal cabinet minister said. “We’ve always believed that the best way to care for British Columbians, whether they are the most vulnerable or the middle-class, is to ensure we have a strong and growing economy.”

While B.C. has not followed the lead of other provinces by creating an official document that lays out how to improve the lives of poor families, Bond said, “to suggest that we do not have a plan to reduce poverty is not accurate.”

Adrienne Montani, provincial co-ordinator for First Call, takes issue with Bond’s claim that fewer children are living in poverty, arguing the government uses outof-date data that doesn’t count all poor children.

Statistics Canada data shows the number of B.C. residents living in poverty has remained consistent at 600,000 since 2000. (The numbers were lower in the previous decade, only starting to climb in 1998.)

But because the province’s population steadily increased over that time, the percentage of B.C. residents living in poverty actually decreased from 15 per cent in 2000 to 13 per cent in 2014 (the most recent year of data available). This rate has always been slightly above the Canadian average.

“The challenge, particular­ly in Metro Vancouver, is that it costs so darn much to live here and the wages are just not keeping up,” NDP Leader John Horgan said. “More than 50 per cent of the people working in British Columbia are living paycheque to paycheque, and they’re concerned that missing one would put them in financial distress. That’s not good for the community, and it’s not good for the economy.”

Bond cautioned that raising the minimum wage would put pressure on small businesses, the province’s economic engine. Other critics say higher wages could kill jobs and lead to cuts in employees’ hours. Some academics, however, argue there is no correlatio­n between increased wages and lower employment levels.

Kigonga, 31, is grateful for the job he has, but dreams one day that his English will be good enough to land him a promotion and more pay. He has been taking English classes, but there is not a lot of time for his studies.

Described by her English-class teachers as a “very good mother with very well-behaved kids,” Ekoko at times must crawl to get around at home while looking after the busy girls, age 3 and 18 months. She would like to complete her studies and possibly get a job working as a receptioni­st or an interprete­r (she speaks a halfdozen African dialects), so that she and her husband can both provide a better life for their daughters, Esther and Naomi.

The couple is relatively lucky — their $873-a-month apartment, in a time-worn east Vancouver government building for people with disabiliti­es, is tied to his income. But as other expenses rise, they continue to worry about their financial future.

When Ekoko, 32, had their first baby, the government paid for a part-time care aide to help her around the house. At the time, her husband was a cleaner at McDonald’s making close to minimum wage. Today, he is away from home more while working longer hours, but they have been denied any further help.

“They tell us we have too much income,” Ekoko said. “The reality, for sure, is it’s not enough money what he is getting. When we are paying the rent, and buy groceries for the kids, buy diapers and stuff, we end up being empty-handed.”

Ekoko and her husband have written Gospel music in Swahili, including a song thanking Canada for giving them a fresh start. They aren’t asking for more handouts. Kigonga wants to work. He would just like to earn a wage that allows him to support his family sufficient­ly in this pricey city.

“If they can change something ... to make the poor people move forward, to help poor people who want to reach their goals.”

The challenge, particular­ly in Metro Vancouver, is it costs so darn much to live here and the wages are just not keeping up.

 ??  ??
 ?? ARLEN REDEKOP ?? Jean-Pierre Kigonga and Sandrine Ekoko relax at their Vancouver home with daughters Naomi, 1, and Esther, 3. Kigonga has a job crushing steel for $17 an hour, working a night shift. Ekoko cannot stand without leg braces, and struggles to care for the toddlers during her husband’s long shifts. He cannot afford not to work, but they can barely afford to get by financiall­y even when he is working.
ARLEN REDEKOP Jean-Pierre Kigonga and Sandrine Ekoko relax at their Vancouver home with daughters Naomi, 1, and Esther, 3. Kigonga has a job crushing steel for $17 an hour, working a night shift. Ekoko cannot stand without leg braces, and struggles to care for the toddlers during her husband’s long shifts. He cannot afford not to work, but they can barely afford to get by financiall­y even when he is working.
 ?? GERRY KAHRMANN ?? As a single mother with two children, Maureen O’Malley struggles to find full-time work. She worries about the effect poverty has on her children Marlon and Maddy.
GERRY KAHRMANN As a single mother with two children, Maureen O’Malley struggles to find full-time work. She worries about the effect poverty has on her children Marlon and Maddy.
 ?? ARLEN REDEKOP ?? Jean-Pierre Kigonga and Sandrine Ekoko find that after their bills are paid each month there is little left over, even though Kigonga works full time. They say they want to earn more money, not get handouts.
ARLEN REDEKOP Jean-Pierre Kigonga and Sandrine Ekoko find that after their bills are paid each month there is little left over, even though Kigonga works full time. They say they want to earn more money, not get handouts.

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