Vancouver Sun

U.S. to restrict imports of trophy hunted lions


WASHINGTON — The U.S. will protect lions in Africa under the Endangered Species Act, the Obama administra­tion announced Monday, a move that would make it harder for American big-game hunters to bring a lion head or hide into the country.

The effort by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service comes five months after the killing of Cecil, a lion in Zimbabwe, by a Minnesota dentist caused an uproar and shed a spotlight on trophy hunting. The agency had been working on the new rules long before the incident, and officials said that classifyin­g the two breeds of African lions as threatened or endangered will encourage African countries to improve conservati­on efforts.

Dan Ashe, director of the Fish and Wildlife Service, said the approval of any imports will be conditiona­l on proof that hunting is part of a science-based conservati­on strategy that enhances the species in the wild. Currently, sport hunters don’t need a permit from the U.S. to bring in a trophy lion.

“I believe the American hunter can be an integral part of a vibrant conservati­on strategy, but the burden will be on the hunter, not the hunted,” he said.

The Humane Society of the United States projects that American trophy hunters imported 5,647 lions in the past decade. The group was among those that petitioned the Fish and Wildlife Service to list the

“I believe the American hunter can be an integral part of a vibrant conservati­on strategy, but the burden will be on the hunter, not the hunted.


lion as endangered.

“Today’s announceme­nt is, without question, a turning point for the future of the lions now roaming Africa,” said Wayne Pacelle, the group’s president and CEO.

The Fish and Wildlife Service determined that two subspecies of lions live in Africa. One group, found primarily in western and central countries, is more geneticall­y related to the Asiatic lion. Only about 1,400 remain in Africa and India. The agency is listing that subspecies as endangered, meaning it risks extinction. Imports for that subspecies will be generally prohibited. A second subspecies, numbering between 17,000 and 19,000 and found across southern and eastern Africa, will be listed as threatened.

Ashe said historic population­s of lions is unclear, but estimates range up to 500,000 early in the 1900s, down to less than 200,000 by the middle of the century, and now, as few as 20,000 remaining in the wild.

The Endangered Species Act requires the Fish and Wildlife Service to list species as endangered or threatened regardless of the country where they live.

Fish and Wildlife Service employees are to deny permits to import a sport-hunted lion to anyone who has been convicted or pleaded guilty to violating federal or state wildlife laws.

Walter Palmer, the Minnesota dentist who shot Cecil with a bow and arrow, had pleaded guilty in 2008 to making false statements to the Fish and Wildlife Service about a black bear fatally shot in western Wisconsin outside an authorized hunting zone.

Cecil was a major tourist attraction in Hwange National Park and was being monitored as part of an Oxford University study. Palmer said he shot the big cat outside the park’s borders, but it didn’t die immediatel­y and was tracked down the next day.

Palmer said he would not have shot the animal if anybody in the hunting party has known of the lion’s status. Officials have cleared Palmer of wrongdoing.

 ?? CAMERON SPENCER/GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? The Humane Society of the United States says the new effort by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect lions in Africa is a ‘turning point’ for the future of the animals.
CAMERON SPENCER/GETTY IMAGES FILES The Humane Society of the United States says the new effort by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect lions in Africa is a ‘turning point’ for the future of the animals.

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