Vancouver Sun

The other Greek crisis

Perils of long sea crossings have made Greece top landing spot


As if this country’s daunting financial meltdown was not enough chaos to contend with, Greece has also become the main entry point for migrants trying to reach northern Europe, recently taking that dubious distinctio­n away from Italy.

The humanitari­an crisis now looming here can be seen, heard and smelled in a squalid camp tucked away behind a hill to the north of this otherwise postcardbe­autiful tourist town on Lesbos Island.

With no government money to assist struggling Greeks, let alone the waves of asylum seekers who come ashore every night off boats launched from nearby Turkey, it has been left to three exasperate­d government officials to distribute meagre daily rations of bread and water to the constant wave of new arrivals from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia.

Trying politely but firmly to prevent a journalist from taking pictures of this miasma of human suffering, a police officer pointed to a Coast Guard sailor and a social worker and plaintivel­y asked: “What can we do for them? There are thousands of them and three of us. Where is the European Union?”

The policeman’s questions meant surprising­ly little to the hungry, thirsty travellers in his midst. Despite their wretched situation, complicate­d by the additional privations of Ramadan, most of them were in high spirits. After all, they were the winners of a macabre lottery where participan­ts paid their money and then really took chances with their lives, running a treacherou­s gauntlet away from the wars and extreme poverty of Iraq, Syria, Afghanista­n and Somalia and across often inhospitab­le countries such as Iran, Egypt and Turkey to reach Europe.

Rashid Bashir could have reached Europe from Pakistan by air in about seven hours and at a cost of $1,000. But lacking any papers to do so, Bashir and a group of young friends struck out five months ago from South Asia, paying $5,000 US each in bribes along the way, including $1,500 for the 12-kilometre hop by speed boat from Turkey to Lesbos, which according to local lore is controlled by Turkish, Russian and Chechen gangsters.

“There was so much difficulty,” Bashir said. “We were afraid to die every time in the sea.”

As his companions nodded in agreement the 29-year-old electricia­n added, “We are young people and we are in good order. The first thing we want in Europe is jobs so that we can save money to send home.”

By last Friday more than 68,000 migrants from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia had reached Greece by sea this year. That is about half of this year’s European intake of refugees. Most of the others made their first European landfall in either Italy, Malta or Spain.

Greece, which is supposed to take care of those seeking asylum and settle those who qualify, has no facilities to receive and assist the 200 to 300 refugees who arrive every day on Lesbos or the hundreds of others who arrive daily on neighbouri­ng islands.

Reaching Greece via Turkey became popular after more than a thousand would-be migrants to Europe drowned earlier this year trying to make the much longer journey across the Mediterran­ean in overcrowde­d smugglers’ boats from Libya and Tunisia.

“This is the best way because it is the safest way,” said Reem Hassoun, who left a war-besieged suburb of Damascus two months ago with a group of 10 other Syrians including her mother, sister and son and was about to sail to Athens.

Many of the Syrians on Lesbos said they hated Bashar Assad and ISIL in equal measure, and most knew of others who had either completed or perished on the journey to Europe.

For those such as Hassoun, reaching the Greek capital, which is now in the throes of a full-blown economic emergency, was just another stop in a journey to northern Europe that is full of impediment­s and obstacles. Faced with pressure from right-wing anti-immigrant parties in several countries, the EU reluctantl­y decided last week that its member states would share about 40,000 immigrants this year, although Ireland, Britain and Lithuania made it plain they were opting out of the scheme.

As it is, EU countries have only agreed to take about one-third of this year’s influx so far. Nor does the EU have any plans to help settle the 220,000 migrants who reached Italy and Greece last year.

Greek authoritie­s have not made it easy for people to assist the asylum seekers. The public has been repeatedly warned that anyone offering them a lift to Mytilene, where they must wait as long as five days to be registered, could be fined 5,000 euros and sent to jail for as much as six months.

“The Bible says we should help them and the police try to stop us from even giving them a glass of water,” said taxi driver Soteres Petrakos, whose own family arrived as refugees when Turkey expelled many of its Greek minority in 1922.

Suhail Bayat, who had reached Lesbos from Afghanista­n, said he was well aware there was considerab­le hostility to his presence in Greece. But the 29-year-old finance manager said he had no choice but to make the journey from Kabul through Iran and Turkey with his wife and infant daughter even though it meant at one point walking for 15 hours at night in mountains where thieves were known to prey on migrants.

“Our lives were in danger at home,” said Bayat, who worked with Australian and U.S. forces in Afghanista­n.

The Taliban told Bayat’s father that “if they found me anywhere in Afghanista­n they would kill me and my family.”

Walking along the Mytilene waterfront in the cool evening air, a group of older residents expressed anger that asylum seekers had taken temporary refuge in a country beset with its own grave troubles. But watching the migrants boarding the ferry to Athens, Dimitra Kritikou, who is 17, said she felt only pity.

“I saw today children of six or seven years of age who had walked 55 kilometres across the island to get here,” she said. “When I see them I want to cry, I feel so sorry for them.”

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 ?? LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? A child stands in a temporary migrants’ camp near the town of Mytilene on the island of Lesbos in June. Three government officials are looking after thousands living in the camp.
LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES A child stands in a temporary migrants’ camp near the town of Mytilene on the island of Lesbos in June. Three government officials are looking after thousands living in the camp.
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