Vancouver Sun

North Van mulls relaxing daycare rules

Move by council and city staff is an attempt to address dearth of child care options


The City of North Vancouver is looking at making it easier for daycares to open in residentia­l areas, despite the reservatio­ns of some councillor­s.

Following a report by city staff, which looked at changing licensing rules for child care facilities trying to start in residentia­l areas, council discussed the pros and cons of adopting less strict rules.

The report found the city’s current regulation­s, which have been in place since 2009, put up too many barriers for those trying to seek daycare licensing in the city.

Rules for obtaining a child care facility licence in one of the city’s residentia­l areas require the applicant to prepare a traffic plan, speak with all neighbours within 100 metres of the site, gather their feedback and attend a public meeting before council for business licensing.

The revised bylaw would see the applicant instead prepare a transporta­tion plan for parents picking up their kids so that their facility would have as little impact on area traffic as possible.

The amendments would also change the radius within which neighbours must be informed to 40 metres.

The changes would also put an end to applicants having to attend a public licensing meeting before council.

Not all councillor­s were happy about proposed changes.

“A residentia­l neighbourh­ood is first and foremost that, a residentia­l neighbourh­ood,” said Coun. Pam Bookham, who spoke against the changes.

“If we don’t have policies that are well-balanced and considerat­e of all the people that are going to be impacted and help them get along, we’re going to have nothing but trouble.”

Bookham also expressed her concerns that businesses from the surroundin­g District of North Vancouver might relocate to the city to start up daycares if less stringent regulation­s are put in place.

Coun. Rod Clark also took issue with the proposed bylaw amendments, but he said he also understood the need for child care for city residents.

“I think a lot of what’s proposed in the bylaw here and any hope of remediatio­n of the problems is really closing the barn door after the horse has bolted,” said Clark.

He said the city does need to address the lack of child care in general, but that facilities in commercial zones or closed school sites would be a better fit.

“I hear lots of complaints in the community that we don’t have enough child care and so we have to address the lack of child care in general ... I’m not convinced that we are going the right way.”

Coun. Linda Buchanan spoke in support of the changes, noting the city has had relatively few complaints about existing daycares in residentia­l areas.

She also attested to the difficulti­es many parents face trying to find local care for their children.

“I am the mother of four. I’ve had child care and it is challengin­g to get. These families start looking sometimes before they even get pregnant, that’s how difficult it is.”

Buchanan dismissed Bookham’s fears that those in the district looking to start similar facilities would flock to the city to set up once less stringent rules are put in place.

“I don’t think we’re going to see too many people taking up million-plus-dollar homes just to put in a daycare,” said Buchanan.

She said the amendments are “the right balance,” for those looking to start such facilities.

“They’re asking people to engage with their community around them, but we’re not asking them to do anything more than other people who are doing home-based business are doing.”

In the end, council voted unanimousl­y to pass second reading and take the proposed amendments to a public hearing.

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