Vancouver Sun

Canadian device rolls out to scan rare rock


Curiosity, the Mars rover, reached out its robotic arm to hold a Canadianma­de device over a dark grey rock sitting in a crater.

The tiny device, a cube just seven centimetre­s across, bombarded the rock with alpha particles and X- rays and then picked up the backscatte­r helping reveal a rock unlike any ever seen on Mars.

Jake_ M, as the scientists have dubbed the Martian rock, resembles a type of volcanic rock found on ocean islands and continenta­l rift zones on Earth.

It raises the tantalizin­g possibilit­y that there may be water beneath the Martian surface, say scientists, who describe the rock Thursday in a report published the journal Science.

“It was a good pick,” Ralf Gellert, at the University of Guelph, said of the Martian rock that was the first one analyzed using the Alpha Particle X- ray Spectromet­er ( APXS).

Gellert leads the internatio­nal team responsibl­e for the powerful spectromet­er, Canada’s $ 18- million contributi­on to the Martian rover that touched down on Mars just over a year ago.

Curiosity, which also carries an onboard geology lab, a rock- zapping laser and 17 cameras, is designed to get a better read on Martian geology and find out if the planet was ever habitable.

Curiosity has yet to find signs of life, which Gellert described as “the jackpot.”

But it has turned up plenty of evidence of water, which is essential to life on Earth and indicates life may have once had a foothold on Mars.

Curiosity found water in one of the first scoops of Martian soil it picked up, according to another of the five reports published Thursday.

They focus on Curiosity’s first three months of exploratio­n in the Gale crater.

“About two per cent of the soil on the surface of Mars is made up of water,” said Laurie Leshin of New York’s Rensselaer Polytechni­c Institute, whose team has a suite of instrument­s in Curiosity’s belly that assesses chemicals and elements.

Her team fed a scoop of dust and dirt from a sandy patch in the crater known as Rocknest into instrument­s that heated the Martian soil to a temperatur­e of 835 C.

Baking the sample at such high heat revealed Martian soil contains not only water but chlorine — which can be toxic — and oxygen. Other experiment­s revealed the soil contains plenty of hydrogen.

While future manned missions to Mars would have to contend with the toxins, Leshin said space travellers should have no trouble tapping into soil moisture.

“We now know there should be abundant, easily accessible water on Mars,” Leshin said in a release issued with the study. “When we send people, they could scoop up the soil anywhere on the surface, heat it just a bit, and obtain water.”

The ratio of isotopes in the soil sample indicates that Martian surface soil is mixed and blown around by frequent dust storms. “So a scoop of this stuff is basically a microscopi­c Mars rock collection,” said Leshin.

Simple organic compounds were detected in the experiment­s done at Rocknest, but the scientists said they likely “formed during the heating experiment­s, as the non- organic compounds in Rocknest samples reacted with terrestria­l organics already present” in the instrument­s.

Curiosity is now making tracks for Mount Sharp, a massive five- kilometre high mound of sedimentar­y layers sitting on the centre of Gale Crater that could reveal much about how Mars has changed over the eons.

“The hope is that going uphill on Mount Sharp we’ll actually pass several epochs in Martian history where it went from possibly an Earth- like planet to the more acidic and the arid planet that it’s been for the last 3.5 billion years,” said Gellert.

He said it is possible Mars and Earth may have been similar when life first emerged billions of years ago. And the evidence may still be recorded in the Martian rocks, which have not been subject to the geological forces that transforme­d Earth and its rocks over the last 3.5 billion years.

It that respect Mars is like a “time capsule that is frozen in time,” says Gellert.

 ??  ?? The Alpha Particle X- ray Spectromet­er ( APXS) on NASA’s Curiosity rover
The Alpha Particle X- ray Spectromet­er ( APXS) on NASA’s Curiosity rover
 ??  ?? NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity makes tracks in the Martian sand of the Rocknest crater site. Water was found in the soil on the planet.
NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity makes tracks in the Martian sand of the Rocknest crater site. Water was found in the soil on the planet.

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