Vancouver Sun

Custom tints: Made in the lighter shade


It’s been a long time since wearing sunglasses was just about shading the eyes from the glare of the sun.

Just as often, that pair of Wayfarers, cat- eyes or aviators is used to create an air of inaccessib­ility and mystery. That’s especially true among the celebrity set seeking a disguise and rock musicians trying to cultivate an anti- establishm­ent vibe behind impenetrab­ly inky or mirrored lenses.

But, thanks to the latest celebri- trend — custom- made, lightly tinted lenses in light neutrals or pale pops of colour — sunglasses are no longer an accessory that looks cool at the beach or behind the wheel but affected indoors and elsewhere.

It’s a subtle look, hard to notice at first. That is, unless the wearer is looking into the camera as Robert Downey Jr. did at the Oscars this year — showing off his grey- tinted glasses en route to the stage.

But once it’s brought to your attention, tinting can be seen everywhere. Last year, Brad Pitt had the look at the Moneyball premiere, wearing Barton Perreira frames with customtint­ed lenses.

But the king of the customcolo­ured sunnies seems to be Downey. His eye- catching eyewear, each pair lightly customwash­ed to a different tint, includes the Oliver Peoples Sheldrake frames with custom light- wash purple lenses he wore recently to The Avengers premiere.

 ?? JOEL RYAN/ AP FILES ?? Robert Downey Jr. wears his purple- tinted glasses to The Avengers premier.
JOEL RYAN/ AP FILES Robert Downey Jr. wears his purple- tinted glasses to The Avengers premier.

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