Vancouver Sun


- BY DR. D’ARCEY MUSSELMAN Dr. D’arcey Musselman is Sportmedbc’s manager of performanc­e.

Here are some important things to focus on to help you perform to the best of your ability on race day.


It is essential that runners wear the appropriat­e footwear for running. The bio-mechanics of running is vastly different to other sports, such as basketball or tennis, and as a result requires the proper footwear to meet the demands of the sport.

Since runners are unique in their foot bio-mechanics ( how much they train, their running style), there is no perfect shoe. One of the best ways to ensure you are getting the proper running shoe is to visit a Runwalk specialty store. They can help fit you in the appropriat­e brand and model for your needs.


Stretching is an effective activity that helps enhance performanc­e, decreases the likelihood of injury and minimizes muscle soreness. The purpose of stretching before exercise is to help prevent injury. This is done by lengthenin­g the muscles and tendons which in turn, increases the range of motion.

Generally the areas that require stretching attention include the calf, lower back, hip, groin, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders and neck. To perform a stretch, get into the proper position and hold for 20 to 30 seconds. There should be no bouncing or forcing of the motion. Go as far as you can without feeling pain, hold and repeat.


Good posture involves proper body alignment for maximal function and efficiency. If the body is not in optimal position, the muscles and joints must work harder for each action. This inefficien­t movement costs more energy.

Running with good posture and proper biomechani­cs will minimize stress and strain on the muscles and joints, which helps improve performanc­e and decreases the risk of injury.


The “core” is the term used to refer to the trunk or lumbopelvi­c region in the body. Muscular support in this region is critical to maintain the integrity of the spine and to support the body. When applied to running performanc­e, strong lumbopelvi­c region will improve your form, reduce the likelihood of injuries and improve running performanc­e.


Running at any level of intensity depletes the body in many areas and requires a variety of recovery strategies in order to continue conditioni­ng the body optimally. This is sports recovery — the conscious act to help the body return to its optimal exercise state. Recovery strategies include:

Cool- down routines give the muscles a chance to keep the blood flowing through the body which helps reduce lactic acid buildup, allows the body temperatur­e and heart rate to gradually return to normal and reduces the potential for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness ( DOMS).

Post- workout nutrition involves replacing the resources that were used during running. These are primarily water, carbohydra­tes and electrolyt­es. Rehydratin­g yourself after your run is the most important step you can take. Carbohydra­tes are your fuel and also vital to the recovery process. Scientific evidence suggests that the first hour after you exercise is the time that your body responds best to glycogen replenishm­ent ( i. e. carbohydra­tes). Electrolyt­es ( sodium, potassium and calcium) are also necessary to replace before muscle recovery can occur. Rest is an essential part of training and is just as important as working out. Rest is the key to preventing overtraini­ng and the potential of injuries. Muscles break down with training and then rebuild to get stronger. So don’t feel guilty taking time out to rest.

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