Truro News

Water of Life fundraisin­g walk planned


Water of Life has been helping provide people with clean water for 20 years, and now they’re celebratin­g.

“We thought it would be fun to have a special event to thank partners for working with us,” said Placide Chiasson, who heads up the program in the Truro area. “We’re holding an event to get together and celebrate our success.”

Water of Life, which is associated with Lifewater Canada, encourages groups to raise money for the constructi­on of wells in Africa and Haiti. More than 50,000 people now have access to safe, clean water because of their efforts.

“Some places have very little access to safe drinking water,” said Chiasson. “It’s amazing what a well does for a community. It gives independen­ce, security and hope.

It tells them people across the world love them.

“In many places, women and girls have to carry heavy loads of water, that’s often not safe to drink, for miles. Because they have to do this, girls often get to school late and sometimes don’t complete their education. They often have health issues with their neck and back. We want to give them hope. When they have a well, girls have time to go to school.”

People in local communitie­s are trained to dig the wells and to do water testing.

To recognize their achievemen­ts, while continuing to help, Water of Life is holding a walk-a-thon and celebratio­n in the Bible Hill Recreation Park on June 8 from noon until 2 p.m. There will be a barbecue (with food donated by Stewiacke Foodland), face painting, fudge, music and activities for all ages. The walka-thon will be 0.8 km. The rain date is June 15.

“While we walk, we will be thinking about women and girls who are responsibl­e for fetching water and how we’re able to help,” said Chiasson.

He encourages environmen­tal clubs and other groups to consider helping out by participat­ing in the walk-athon.

“A dollar here and there makes a difference,” he said. “A small amount means a lot to those who feel helpless.”

People who want to walk but can’t make it to the event can walk at another time and place.

Beckie Burrows will be walking with the Old Barns United Church team, which has been involved in the project for several years. The group will be walking a section of trail near the church at 2 p.m. on May 25.

“We know we’re making a difference and that means a lot,” she said. “We see pictures of what is done with the money we help raise”

Lifewater Canada has been selected by Charity Intelligen­ce Canada five times as one of the top 10 charities for the impact it achieves for donors.

Chiasson asks people to inform him if they’re taking part in the walk and to take photos that can be added to their album.

South Colchester Academy, Brookfield High School and Brookfield Elementary School came together on May 21 to walk in support of the project. Truro Middle School will have their walk-a-thon on Friday, May 31.

Pledge sheets can be obtained by emailing

More informatio­n on Lifewater Canada can be found online at

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