Tri-County Vanguard

Some thoughts as the new year approachs

- HISTORY Kristy Herron herronkris­

A new year is almost upon us! The late Dorothy Day, an American journalist and social activist said, “we plant seeds that will flower as results in our lives, so best to remove the weeds of anger, avarice, envy and doubt, that peace and abundance may manifest for all.”

She had a point. It is so easy to get overwhelme­d with the events, attitudes and conditions existent as we interact with the world, but negatives do have an impact.

I remember when customer service was important within the global context. Our rural businesses still have that mantra and are a breath of fresh air, but not so much now with some of our necessitie­s like utilities and government agencies. Websites do not give you perspectiv­es, or constructi­ve suggestion­s. I talk often about losses as we become more technologi­cal – one of the greatest being the concepts of understand­ing, dignity and respect.

I can remember my grandpa trading cows across a fence with only a handshake. His word was his bond. Now that same cow would probably mean a lawyer and documents in triplicate.

Some of that is good, but I believe we have gone a bit far. It is a sad statement in our world when trust becomes a rare commodity. However, we each have a role to play in rebuilding faith in our fellow man. When praise is due give it willingly.

In the new year let us all resolve to try to be more diligent and proactive. There are ways we can have an impact in our own lives and the lives of others. One way is to look at what is often called balance in our lives. It is not just work – life balance it is finding or making time to reach out for life/ family enriching opportunit­ies.

Lifestyle changes with the level of physical activity and diet are common resolution­s for us all on a new year, but for the most part our lofty goals are usually gone very quickly. Keep it simple. Gather some folks for a regular walk, use smaller plates for meals, moderate your choices.

I make a concerted effort to access goods and services in my local area. I know that the people who I interact with have for the most part the same values. Maybe I pay a bit more for some things, but that smile and understand­ing are incredibly valuable. You do not get that online. activities and

Who do you consult with as to whether or not this or that will work? If it does not fit or is not appropriat­e or it does not look like the picture in most cases you enter a nebulous maze. In the new year I resolve to absolutely look local first.

In this new year it is time to take back our rural values. Time to hope, to dream and move forward. Much was said about Canada 150 – a nation forged in fire. Those valiant souls who gave their youth and lives to ensure we, their decedents had a good quality of life are watching us.

Happy New Year.

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