Toronto Star

Care services at risk of cuts

Additional $215M sought from province to address growing demand


Ontarians who access home care and community support could be facing significan­t service cuts this year.

The cuts could result in nearly one million fewer hours of community services provided and threaten access to programs like Meals on Wheels, according to a recent survey conducted by the Ontario Community Support Associatio­n (OCSA), which represents more than 220 non-profit home care and community support organizati­ons.

The survey, completed by 82 member organizati­ons, found that without urgent investment from the provincial government, there would be an average of 27 per cent of service reduction at community support service organizati­ons in 2023.

This would mean more than 870,000 fewer hours of care like respite, personal support and homemaking services being delivered.

The cuts would result in over a half-million meals not reaching those in need, more than 200,000 fewer rides to medical appointmen­ts and more than 400,000 fewer interactio­ns with clients, which could lead to increased isolation. This could lead to caregiver burnout and earlier admission to longterm care, the OCSA warned.

“The threat of reductions in service and increased wait lists essentiall­y means that many Ontarians will no longer have access to the care they need,” OCSA chief executive Deborah Simon said in a press release. “We are calling on the province to address the situation as a matter of urgency and ensure that these services receive adequate funding in order to combat the impacts of inflation and increased operationa­l costs.”

OCSA is calling for an additional $215 million on top of planned investment­s into home and community care from the province.

This would help address the growing demand for services and impact of inflation. It would also improve the health system and make for a better experience for Ontarians, the associatio­n said in a its survey report.

In a statement to the Star, a spokespers­on for the Ministry of Health said Ontario has invested $1 billion more over the next three years to further expand home care. This will benefit nearly 700,000 families who rely on home care annually, they said, and help more people connect to care closer to home.

Ontario Health distribute­s funding to more than 500 agencies to provide different community support services, including Meals on Wheels programs and other community dining programs to ensure more Ontarians can stay in the comfort of their own homes, the statement continued.

Of the organizati­ons that participat­ed in OCSA’s survey, 66 per cent said they submitted their reduction in service volumes as part of their budget planning process with Ontario Health. Just over 20 per cent of the organizati­ons noted they planned to increase wait-lists or client fees to offset service cuts.

“If nothing is done, this situation has real and harmful consequenc­es for many Ontarians,” Simon said. “Clients and caregivers across the province are in danger of being without a critical service or having to be placed on an extended waitlist.”

The Star also reached out to the province’s Ministry for Seniors and Accessibil­ity, but did not receive a response before deadline.

 ?? KATE ALLEN TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO ?? John Stapleton picks up the Meals on Wheels lunches in 2012 before packing them in his car. According to a new survey, budget cuts will reduce access to the service.
KATE ALLEN TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO John Stapleton picks up the Meals on Wheels lunches in 2012 before packing them in his car. According to a new survey, budget cuts will reduce access to the service.

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