Toronto Star

Nurturing husband is probably not gay


Dear Readers Following are End of Year Thoughts, Feedbacks, Ongoing Peeves:

FEEDBACK Regarding the wife who thought her nurturing, houseclean­ing husband might be gay (Dec. 8):

Reader “Being gay is not environmen­tal, it is genetic. One can be left-handed, righthande­d, or, like Einstein, ambidextro­us.

“One can be heterosexu­al, gay/lesbian or bisexual. Gay is not from being an only child or a single mom.

“The husband might just be obsessive compulsive. A good friend of mine is very obsessive compulsive and his home always looks like Better Homes and Gardens. I know he is not gay.

“Another good friend is one of two sons. His brother is gay. My friend does housework and cooks amazing dinners. His wife told me her husband is not gay. I’m also somewhat obsessive compulsive and do ironing, scrub pots and pans and bake angel food cake (more with pandemic) and I’m not gay.

“Perhaps the confused spouse has to ask or figure out what gets, or has previously gotten, her husband passionate. Is it a relaxing evening out with a babysitter at home, or sexy lingerie, cuddling and champagne? Something is and will be his “hot button.” He may not even know his hot buttons.

“Perhaps fatigue is a factor. Does he work 50 hours per week, go to fitness, run in the park, or just do cleaning?

“The perplexed wife might consider hiring a cleaning service periodical­ly to do the heavy cleaning so both spouses aren’t tired from scrubbing floors. That sends a message e.g. “I value you for being my spouse and lover, not for your household skills.”

Q My girlfriend and I have been best friends for 40 years. We got along great when we both were working, with lots to talk about. We enjoyed get-togethers whenever we could.

She retired a number of years before me. Having lost my life partner/soul mate six years ago, I continued to work. We still had things to talk about.

However, I never had children while she now has children and grandchild­ren. We’re drifting farther and farther apart.

Her only conversati­on is about her granddaugh­ter and her husband’s chronic health condition.

I feel we just have nothing in common anymore. But don’t want to lose her friendship.

How can I inform her that these topics aren’t what I care to listen to anymore?

Disinteres­ted Friend

A There is no way to tell someone — particular­ly a longtime friend — that the two people whom she most cares about, including at least one who impacts her daily life are of no interest to you.

You can give her a book you’ve read with the hopeful intent to talk about it, recommend movies you’ve streamed recently, or remind her of old favourites worth talking about ... but you cannot say you don’t want to hear about people she loves and worries about, without losing any chance at staying connected.

Try a positive approach instead. Ask her first thing how her husband is feeling. Listen a short while, then ask about her granddaugh­ter. After a decent show of interest, raise the topics you care to discuss.

Also consider finding an activity you two could enjoy together, e.g., bridge or some other card game, or Scrabble and other word games that you can play online together.

If none of that creates other conversati­ons between you two, then the friendship likely has become as uninterest­ing to her as it is to you.

Ellie’s tip of the day

Questionin­g a husband’s sexual identity may reflect the wife’s own insecurity about why his lovemaking, though regular, lacks enough passion for her.

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