Toronto Star

Conservati­ve leader says he would support privately led health-care “innovation­s,”

Privately led ‘innovation­s’ offer Canadians more choice, Tory leader says


OTTAWA—Conservati­ve Leader Erin O’Toole says he would support provinces in introducin­g privately led health-care “innovation­s” to offer “more choice and less waits,” so long as there remains “universal access” and free medical services for the public.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says that means O’Toole “believes in a for-profit, private health-care system and he will not tell people what exactly he wants to do with that.”

On the contrary, O’Toole fired back, “I support the health system we have right now.”

But the Conservati­ve leader dodged a direct answer Tuesday on how deeply he supports the introducti­on of private health services within a public system. And when asked to explain why he supports Saskatchew­an’s practice of allow- ing those who can afford it to pay for quicker access to diag- nostic imaging — which can lead to earlier surgeries or other treatments — O’Toole again declined to offer a broader explanatio­n.

“I support universal access in our system, public and free,” the Conservati­ve leader said. “And I also support provinces making sure that they can offer more choice, faster service and less waits for their citizens.”

Health care has emerged as a key wedge issue in the pandemic’s fourth wave, as the Liberals and Conservati­ves clash on the campaign trail over COVID-19 vaccinatio­ns, public and private health care, and seniors’ care.

The Liberals point to O’Toole’s statement last year during the Conservati­ve leadership race that he supports Saskatchew­an’s model of innovation, which allows patients to pay up to $950 for an MRI at a private clinic.

But O’Toole is unrepentan­t. “If Saskatchew­an, Alberta, Ontario, or Quebec want to innovate to provide better health care, I support that,” he said Tuesday.

“Why? Because it gives Canadians more choice. The more choices Canadians have in health care, the better. It reduces wait times, and it frees up more money to reinvest in health care. My view is consistent with the belief that Ottawa shouldn’t be dictating to Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchew­an or any other province.”

The Liberals say they moved to curb the private role in health care — O’Toole says they have tolerated it while in government — and threatened a “clawback” of federal transfer payments for health care if Saskatchew­an does not eliminate patient charges for MRIs.

O’Toole seized on that statement to accuse Trudeau of threatenin­g to withdraw health funds “in a pandemic,” and being willing to “compromise” people’s health.

But the Liberals first issued the warning to Saskatchew­an and other provinces three years ago. That’s when then-health minister Ginette Pettipas-Taylor said Ottawa was formalizin­g “the long-standing federal position that medically necessary diagnostic services received in private clinics are considered insured health services” — meaning they are to be covered by government, and should not be considered user-pay services.

Health Minister Patty Hajdu later concluded that there was also “evidence of residents paying out-of-pocket to secure faster access to diagnostic services in other provinces, including British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.”

Hajdu said the enforcemen­t date of the government’s ban on patient charges for those kinds of MRIs was set to April 2020 to give provinces “time to align their health-care systems with the requiremen­ts of this policy.”

But she also warned that provinces and territorie­s that continued to allow patients to be charged privately would be “subject to deductions from federal transfers under the Canada Health Act” by March 2023.

Speaking Tuesday, Trudeau didn’t save his criticism for the Conservati­ves, charging that the New Democrats “always talk a good game” but never have a concrete plan to deliver. “The choice is clear in this election,” he said.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, who vowed Tuesday that a New Democratic government would eliminate for-profit operators in long-term-care sector, shot back that neither of his rivals can be trusted on health care or long-term care for seniors.

Singh pointed to what he characteri­zed as the Liberal record of supporting a role for the private sector in long-term care.

“It’s clear both the Liberals, Justin Trudeau, and the Conservati­ves believe in for-profit care,” said Singh. “We’re the only one saying it should not be for-profit. It should be not-forprofit.”

Dr. Katharine Smart, the new president of the Canadian Medical Associatio­n, said in an interview that “every election we see the topic of privatizat­ion come up, and it’s a challengin­g one, because I think on the surface, it’s appealing, right? You think, ‘Oh, yeah, let’s off-load some things from the public system.’

“But I think the real conversati­on is about why are we not adequately funding publicly the things that people need to be healthy. So, if these surgeries and these diagnostic imaging are things that people need, why is the funding not adequate to allow the provinces to deliver those within the system we have?”

The CMA says five million Canadians do not have access to a primary-care physician, and the problems in the system run deep. “We know in other countries that have gone down the road of privatizat­ion, it creates inequities in terms of wait times and who’s getting what services,” Smart said.

“So I think what we’re really calling for is to actually invest in our publicly funded system in an adequate way that allows the services that people need to be delivered in a sustainabl­e way. And that’s what we’re not seeing.”

Political parties are batting around “vague ideas” and numbers but have not provided a level of detail necessary on health care, she said.

“The devil’s in the details.”

“If Saskatchew­an, Alberta, Ontario, or Quebec want to innovate to provide better health care, I support that. Why? Because it gives Canadians more choice”


 ?? RYAN REMIORZ THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Conservati­ve Leader Erin O’Toole says he supports privately led health-care “innovation­s,” but avoided explaining his support for private health services within a public system or Saskatchew­an’s practice of allowing Canadians to pay for access to some services.
RYAN REMIORZ THE CANADIAN PRESS Conservati­ve Leader Erin O’Toole says he supports privately led health-care “innovation­s,” but avoided explaining his support for private health services within a public system or Saskatchew­an’s practice of allowing Canadians to pay for access to some services.

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