Toronto Star


Who said what this week


“Canada is awesome. Give it a try.” Shopify founder and CEO Tobias

Lutke in touting Canada as an option for workers after President Donald Trump suspended some work visas “The question is, do we seize this moment as a country and as a province?” Toronto councillor Joe Cressy in urging the city declare child care as essential to recovery from COVID-19 and make it publicly funded “We need to have people wearing masks in malls and stores, and we’re going to pay a horrendous price if we don’t.” Epidemiolo­gist Colin Furness’s warning as Toronto opens up malls and restaurant patios “Somehow a public health crisis has been twisted into a public order crisis.” Canadian Civil Liberties Associatio­n executive director Michael

Bryant on a study showing millions in COVID-related fines being issued by municipali­ties “Why did you shoot me? Why? No one answered.”

Chantelle Krupka recalls what she kept repeating after being shot by Peel Regional Police. The SIU is investigat­ing “If countries around the world, including China, realize that by arbitraril­y arresting random Canadians, they can get what they want out of Canada politicall­y, well that makes an awful lot more Canadians who travel around the world vulnerable to that kind of pressure.” PM Justin Trudeau refuses to bow to pressure from China to release Huawei exec Meng Wanzhou from extraditio­n proceeding­s in the hopes of freeing two Canadians being held on ‘espionage’ charges

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