Toronto Star

Pandemic plants seeds for a buy-local movement online

Small farms turn to e-commerce to meet demand for fresh food


Each spring, the tomatoes and cucumbers Lisa Cooper grows in greenhouse­s on her farm in Zephyr, Ont., can be found at farmers’ markets in the Durham region.

But in March, Ontario’s farmers’ markets were closed to slow the spread of COVID-19. With traditiona­l outlets shut down, farmers had to adapt, and quickly. Instead of passing bags across crowded stalls and trading stories with customers, they went online, boxing orders and delivering them by truck to homes at an accelerate­d pace, conducting what’s typically a hands-on business with the addition of gloves, masks and six feet of distance.

This shift to e-commerce has created new pressure, and a renewed focus, on regional food systems. In April, markets in many provinces began to reopen but with new safety protocols in place that limit how and when people shop. On April 24, in a move that underscore­d the importance of direct sales channels, the Ontario government said it would invest $2.5 million to help food producers and farmers’ markets make the transition to e-commerce.

For some farmers, it’s meant rushing to get inventory online and sales started overnight, highlighti­ng the precarious­ness created by the closure of markets and restaurant­s. A third of the 500 vendors in the Greenbelt Markets network, which supports Ontario farmers, also supply to restaurant­s and wholesale businesses. Quebec’s farmers’ union says the sector has seen more than 30 per cent of its market disappear with the closure of hotels, restaurant­s and institutio­ns — online sales can mean survival.

The pandemic is also turning what was a burgeoning trend for the farm-to-table movement — home delivery — into an essential part of food sales. Services that were requested infrequent­ly before March are now commonplac­e. Sarah Bakker of Field Sparrow Farms in Bobcaygeon, Ont., used to receive a few orders a month for home delivery. Right now, it’s 40 a week.

“We were already thinking of 2020 as the year of home delivery,” said Simon Huntley, who runs Harvie, a Pittsburgh­based technology platform that helps farmers sell directly to customers. But he didn’t anticipate how quickly the pandemic would alter demand. One hundred and eighty farms in the U.S. and Canada are currently using Harvie, and most have seen their sales increase by 200 per cent. “It’s accelerate­d in two weeks what was going to happen in 10 years,” Huntley said.

Farmers have had to turn to neighbours and local partners when the in

ventory they planned for a regular week sells out. “You can’t just magically make more stuff appear,” Cooper said. She increased orders from other sources to fulfil her sales, which doubled this season. But, she said, “It’s not easy being a small farm and then having to rely on other small farms.”

Platforms like Harvie, Local Line and Open Food Network offer product features specific to farmers’ needs, like virtual markets for multiple farms and customizab­le orders. These will be essential as the demand for local food increases. Stress on supply chains caused by the pandemic created long waits for home delivery offered by large retailers. Going to grocery stores has become more fraught. And while new containmen­t measures for food delivery — such as low-contact and drive-through pickup — require physical distancing, people still want proximity to the source of their food: to know where it comes from, that it’s reliable, and to support local businesses.

And with restaurant­s closed, buying farm-direct produce is also a way to eat well at home.

Farmers are reaching new customers as a result. “I knew this was big when my ex-mother-inlaw texted me to ask where to get home-delivered food,” said Huntley.

Orit Sarfaty, the chief program officer at Evergreen, a national organizati­on focused on the health of urban environmen­ts, agreed. In March, her team signed up 10 farmers in 24 hours to fill150 boxes with fresh produce for Evergreen’s Farm in a Box program. Now, she said, “I’m getting messages from people who’d never been to our farmers’ market. This was the first time they’d experience­d fresh produce from a farm.” Evergreen’s boxes were sold out through May.

The loss of markets comes at a critical time for the agricultur­al sector. About 55,000 temporary foreign workers travel to Canada each year to work on large farms during the peak growing season. Most of them work in Quebec and Ontario.

Because of the pandemic, fewer workers are expected to arrive. When they do, they have to undergo a two-week quarantine period. In April, the federal government said it would provide $1,500 per person to offset the cost of housing and feeding workers during isolation, but that hasn’t prevented a number of deadly COVID-19 outbreaks on southweste­rn Ontario farms. About 350 workers in the Windsor-Essex region have tested positive and three have died.

As people continue to shelter in place, it’s not clear what business will look like in the long term. Many farmers hope the current demand is a sign that the confluence of agricultur­e and technology will turn local food into a mainstream habit.

Will that habit last? “That’s the million-dollar question. It’s the conversati­on I’m having with every single one of my farming friends,” Bakker said. But, she added, “We’re going to keep delivering as long as the demand is there.”

 ?? COOPER’S CSA FARM ?? Steve and Lisa Cooper of Cooper’s CSA Farm pack boxes of produce as their business moves online during the pandemic.
COOPER’S CSA FARM Steve and Lisa Cooper of Cooper’s CSA Farm pack boxes of produce as their business moves online during the pandemic.
 ?? JIM RANKIN TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO ?? The pandemic is turning what was a burgeoning trend for the farm-to-table movement — home delivery — into an essential part of food sales.
JIM RANKIN TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO The pandemic is turning what was a burgeoning trend for the farm-to-table movement — home delivery — into an essential part of food sales.

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