Toronto Star

Ukraine call ‘improper,’ inquiry hears

U.S. security aide outlines concern over Trump’s investigat­ion request


WASHINGTON— A career army officer on Donald Trump’s National Security Council testified Tuesday he was duty-bound to object to the president’s clearly “improper” phone call seeking Ukrainian investigat­ions of U.S. Democrats. Republican­s answered him with doubts about his loyalty to the United States.

Arriving on Capitol Hill in military blue with medals across his chest, Lt.-Col. Alexander Vindman told impeachmen­t investigat­ors he felt no hesitation in reporting the president’s request of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

Vindman, a 20-year military officer who received a Purple Heart for being wounded in the Iraq War, was among the officials who listened in to the July 25 call when Trump asked Zelenskiy for “a favour” — investigat­ions of Democrat Joe Biden and other issues.

“It was inappropri­ate, it was improper for the president to request, to demand an investigat­ion into a political opponent,” Vindman told the House intelligen­ce committee.

His testimony launched a pivotal week as the House’s historic impeachmen­t investigat­ion reaches further into Trump’s White House.

Democrats say Trump’s pressure on Ukraine to investigat­e former vice-president Joe Biden while withholdin­g U.S. military aid to Kyiv may be grounds for removing the 45th president. Republican­s have argued both that there was no linkage between the two matters and that there would be nothing inappropri­ate even if there was.

In a remarkable day of backto-back hearings, Vindman testified alongside Jennifer Williams, an adviser in Vice-President Mike Pence’s office. Both said they had concerns as they listened to Trump speak with the newly elected Ukrainian president about political investigat­ions into Biden.

Trump insists Zelenskiy did not feel pressured and has cast the impeachmen­t probe as a partisan affair aimed at pushing him from office. The White

House lashed out at the army officer.

It wasn’t the first time Vindman was alarmed over the administra­tion’s push to have Ukraine investigat­e Democrats, he testified.

He highlighte­d a July 10 meeting at the White House when Ambassador Gordon Sondland told visiting Ukraine officials they would need to “deliver” before next steps — a meeting Zelenskiy wanted with Trump.

“Ambassador Sondland referred to investigat­ions into the Bidens and Burisma in 2016,” he testified, referring to the gas company in Ukraine where Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, served on the board.

On both occasions, Vindman said, he took his concerns about the shifting Ukraine policy to the lead counsel at the NSC, John Eisenberg.

Later Tuesday, the House committee heard from former NSC official Timothy Morrison and Kurt Volker, the former Ukraine special envoy, who said he hadn’t understood the scope of the investigat­ions Sondland and Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney, were pursuing for Trump.

Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, is to appear Wednesday.

Republican­s were eager to hear during the afternoon from Morrison, who had supervised Vindman at the NSC. “He had concerns about Vindman’s judgment,” the White House tweeted. But Morrison, who has since left the administra­tion, told lawmakers he was not there to question his former colleagues’ “character or integrity” and did not intend to out the whistleblo­wer.

Morrison, who was also listening to Trump’s call, worried its disclosure would not play well in polarized Washington, and reported it to the NSC’s top lawyer. He testified about his sinking feeling after Sondland told him Trump wanted Zelenskiy to announce the investigat­ions before releasing the military aid. A colleague warned him of “the Gordon problem,” he said.

Williams, a career State Department official who has worked for three presidenti­al administra­tions, said the Trump phone call was the first time she had heard anyone specifical­ly seeking investigat­ions from Ukraine.

 ?? MELINA MARA THE WASHINGTON POST ?? Lt.-Col. Alexander Vindman was among those who listened in on the July 25 call in which U.S. President Donald Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to investigat­e Joe Biden.
MELINA MARA THE WASHINGTON POST Lt.-Col. Alexander Vindman was among those who listened in on the July 25 call in which U.S. President Donald Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to investigat­e Joe Biden.

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