Toronto Star

Parties must remember Ontarians are Red Tories

- Thomas Walkom is a Toronto-based columnist covering politics. Follow him on Twitter: @tomwalkom Thomas Walkom

Ontario is at heart a Red Tory province. Federal politician­s looking for votes here would be wise to remember that.

Analysts often divide voters into two camps: progressiv­e or conservati­ve. That is a useful distinctio­n as far as it goes. But it doesn’t capture Ontario’s political culture which, typically, is an amalgam of both.

In general, Ontarians are wary of abrupt change. They tend to value competent management over ideology. They usually see balance as a virtue. This is the Tory side of Red Tory-ism. But voters in Canada’s largest province are also willing to use the state to achieve social goals. Since the early 20th century, they have backed public power in the form of Ontario Hydro (indeed, they eventually punished former premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals for privatizin­g part of that utility).

In 1969, pressure from voters ultimately forced a recalcitra­nt Ontario government to sign onto Canada’s national, public medicare program. That is the Red side. During the 2015 federal election campaign, Justin Trudeau’s Liberals successful­ly wooed both sides.

They offered up a platform heavy on public works spending and light on deficit control that appealed to Ontario’s Red instincts.

At the same time, they promised to bring Canadian politics, which to many Ontarians had become radically meanspirit­ed during the Stephen Harper era, back into civilized balance. That promise was meant to appeal to every Ontarian’s inner Tory.

This time around, Trudeau’s Liberals are again emphasizin­g their Red credential­s. On Thursday, they promised to beef up subsidies for first-time home buyers in Canada’s hot housing markets, including Toronto.

They have announced that they have no interest in balanced budgets and are signalling that they will promise a comprehens­ive pharmacare scheme.

With one important exception, they have made few overtures to the Tory side of the typical Ontario Red Tory. That exception is the Liberal climatecha­nge strategy, which emphasizes the classic, if ultimately unsatisfyi­ng, Tory virtue of balance — in this case, between the economy and the environmen­t.

Other than that, the Liberals are relying on their standard hidden-agenda strategy, suggesting that a Conservati­ve government under Andrew Scheer would cause chaos by reopening the abortion debate and slashing social programs.

Conversely, Scheer’s Conservati­ves have focused almost completely on the Tory side of Red Toryism. They accuse the Liberals of poor financial management. They accuse them of incompeten­ce in foreign affairs, particular­ly with regard to China.

Scheer accuses Trudeau personally of malfeasanc­e in the SNC-Lavalin affair.

Here, he runs the danger of going too far. Slagging Trudeau personally goes over well with the committed Conservati­ve base. But an undecided Ontario Red Tory might find Scheer’s harsh language disturbing­ly reminiscen­t of the take-no-prisoners approach to politics associated with Harper.

As for the Red side of Red Toryism, Scheer offers virtually nothing. His is an ideologica­lly purer form of conservati­sm that leaves no room for an activist state. Even loans and grants to struggling businesses are beyond the pale. Scheer dismisses them as corporate welfare.

In Scheer’s world view, government­s should limit their economic activities to cutting taxes and reducing regulation­s.

The polls suggest that, currently, the Liberals enjoy a small lead over the Conservati­ves in Ontario. That could easily change before the Oct. 21 vote. How it changes will depend largely on which party is better able to tap into Ontario’s crucial Red Tory mindset.

 ?? THE CANADIAN PRESS/FILE PHOTO ?? In 2015, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau was successful in appealing to Ontario’s Red Tory nature. In 2019, Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer is going full-on Tory and ignoring the Red policies, writes Thomas Walkom.
THE CANADIAN PRESS/FILE PHOTO In 2015, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau was successful in appealing to Ontario’s Red Tory nature. In 2019, Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer is going full-on Tory and ignoring the Red policies, writes Thomas Walkom.
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