Toronto Star

Exposing Ford’s Doug-whistle sex-ed agenda

- MANDY PIPHER Mandy Pipher is a Torontobas­ed writer and educator. She can be reached through her website at mandypiphe­

I started high school in 1998. During sex ed I “learned” that one tablespoon is the maximum amount of blood a woman menstruate­s each month. I was a confident enough kid to know — and say to the teacher — that I had been regularly producing more than that since my first period at12, but she told me I was wrong and it must just seem like that.

The underlying message — a far too common one given to children, opening the door for abusers — was that I must be exaggerati­ng, dramatic, “crazy,” that I couldn’t possibly be a reliable witness to what happened to my own body.

It wasn’t until menstruati­on cups with their handy measuring lines that I could quantifiab­ly prove how wrong that “informatio­n” was — to the tune of almost two tablespoon­s of blood in a single night.

If that precision about my teenage menstruati­on strikes you as “TMI,” fair enough; but in this political climate, too much informatio­n is far superior to too little.

Premier Doug Ford got the power he currently holds not from informatio­n but from the distinct lack of it: he had no costed platform and in the absence of concrete policies, appealed to voter emotions. And it worked.

During the campaign there was some rather smug commentary about how the process was just so civil — how Ontario’s populist politician wasn’t nearly as bad as Donald Trump; how we were doing A-OK because Ford wasn’t blatantly and repeatedly insulting women and minorities.

No — he was saying subtle and insidious and perfectly civil things about them instead. Rather than providing facts about the content of the 2015 curriculum and the process used to develop it and then pointing out its flaws, the Ford campaign relied on insinuatin­g phrases.

One in particular stands out: “Kathleen Wynne’s ideologica­l sex-ed curriculum.” Ford adopted this directly from far-right groups who are openly discrimina­tory against LGBTQ people.

This phrase is very cleverly constructe­d. Without directly saying anything offensive, it neverthele­ss strongly implies that Wynne, the first openly gay premier of this province, unilateral­ly created the sex-ed curriculum, and that she did so based on some vague ideologica­l agenda. Leaving the “ideology” or “radicalism” unspecifie­d puts the burden of meaning on what can be implied from those words — words that are loaded with homophobic connotatio­ns about a “gay agenda” aiming to somehow seduce children into homosexual­ity.

It is such a backward and hateful notion that it would be laughable if it weren’t taken so seriously by a very vocal minority — a minority that now has the ear of Ontario’s premier. It is part of the same phobic discourse that has long linked homosexual­ity with pedophilia, both covertly and explicitly, and it’s what social conservati­ves fear from their phantasmag­oric “gay agenda.”

Ford didn’t need to go full-Trump and say “I’m for the people who don’t want this lesbian teaching their kids how to be gay.” He could be civil and oh-so Canadian while using a phrase that acted like a dog-whistle to the homophobic.

This kind of nasty tactic is effective only in the absence of factual debate, and it’s how populism works: by avoiding informatio­n and taking advantage of general voter dissatisfa­ction — first preying on their fears and then saying something vague and comforting to soothe those fears.

So we shouldn’t be surprised that one of this government’s first moves is to slash education — not just sex ed, but school repairs and badly needed Indigenous content. Good, up-to-date public education that teaches young people how to acquire and assess comprehens­ive and relevant informatio­n is specifical­ly not in the best interests of this governing party.

“It’s irresponsi­ble that this government has left everything in such disarray that educators in our province aren’t even aware of what’s going to happen come September,” said Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, but disarray and lack of awareness are exactly the point. They are the most effective tools in the populist kit, and we need to pay attention to them now more than ever.

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