Toronto Star

Facing outrage, Trump doubles down on a ‘double negative’

- Daniel Dale Washington Bureau Chief

WASHINGTON— That stuff U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday about how he thinks Russia didn’t interfere in the 2016 presidenti­al election? An accidental slip of the tongue, Trump claimed Tuesday.

What he really meant to say, he insisted against all evidence, was that he thinks Russia did interfere.

“In a key sentence in my remarks, I said the word ‘would’ instead of ‘wouldn’t,’” Trump said Tuesday at the White House. “The sentence should have been: ‘I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia.’ Sort of a double negative. So you can put that in, and I think that probably clarifies things pretty good by itself.”

Trump offered this implausibl­e spin in an attempt to limit the political damage from the Monday remarks that have generated a national furor. But the forgotten-contractio­n defence was greeted with bafflement and amazement by Trump’s critics and by U.S. reporters who covered the Finland summit with Putin.

“I’m not laughing,” Michael Hayden, the former Central Intelligen­ce Agency director and Air Force general, wrote on Twitter. “Oh, hell. YES I AM.”

The explanatio­n was especially curious because Trump was not even able to get through the supposed clarificat­ion without again demonstrat­ing that he did not believe what he had just said.

Apparently ad-libbing, he again made clear that he is doubtful of U.S. intelligen­ce agencies’ conclusion on Russia — in the two sentences immediatel­y following the one where he said he accepts their conclusion on Russia.

“I accept our intelligen­ce community’s conclusion that Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election took place. Could be other people also. A lot of people out there,” he said, appearing to add in the last two sentences himself after reading the first sentence from his text.

Trump’s oscillatio­n between what his aides want him to say and what he evidently believes himself was reminiscen­t of the aftermath of his controvers­ial comments about violence at a white supremacis­t rally in Charlottes­ville, Va., in 2017, at which a protester was murdered.

Trying to quell the outrage over his initial Charlottes­ville remarks, in which he blamed both white supremacis­ts and protesters, he dutifully recited prepared words condemning the white supremacis­ts.

But he soon abandoned the pretense and returned to his initial argument that both sides were at fault. Trump’s Monday remarks about Russia drew a chorus of condemnati­on from afar more than the usual suspects. Even the hosts of his favourite morning show, the reliably fawning Fox and Friends, were unanimousl­y critical.

But on Tuesday, many Republican­s appeared eager to forget the whole thing.

“I’m just glad he clarified it,” said Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, according to NBC News. “I can’t read his intentions or what he meant to say at the time, and suffice it to say that for me as a policymake­r, what really matters is what we do moving forward.”

Democrats, though, issued a new round of scathing criticism. They called Trump’s claims obviously inaccurate.

“Today the media will be tested. Whether they describe accurately what they are seeing and hearing with their own eyes and ears, or report an obviously dishonest and distorted version, is the essential question,” Hawaii Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz said on Twitter.

Trump’s Tuesday claim that he had merely misspoken a single word did not explain his other remarks Monday in favour of Russia’s positions.

Trump had also said that he thought “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.” He had held “both countries,” including a “foolish” United States, responsibl­e for damaging the bilateral relationsh­ip. And he spent a significan­t portion of the news conference attacking the FBI and spreading conspiracy theories about the investigat­ion into his campaign’s links to the Russian government.

At no point in his comments did he come close to saying he thought Russia was indeed at fault.

And this was not the first time he has taken Russia’s side on the question of interferen­ce. Trump has since 2016 questioned the conclusion that Russia was the perpetrato­r.

At one presidenti­al debate, he famously said, “I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK?”

Trump’s claim that he had merely misspoken a single word did not explain his other remarks Monday

 ??  ?? Donald Trump claimed he meant to say the exact opposite of what he said Monday about Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
Donald Trump claimed he meant to say the exact opposite of what he said Monday about Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
 ??  ??
 ?? TOM BRENNER/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Handwritte­n notes on the text in front of President Donald Trump as he speaks to reporters at the White House a day after his controvers­ial visit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
TOM BRENNER/THE NEW YORK TIMES Handwritte­n notes on the text in front of President Donald Trump as he speaks to reporters at the White House a day after his controvers­ial visit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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