Toronto Star

Let’s stop putting politician­s on cash

- Edward Keenan Edward Keenan writes on city issues Follow: @thekeenanw­ire

The new $10 bill, unveiled on Internatio­nal Women’s Day this week, is awesome, for so many reasons. Its vertical design is an interestin­g novelty, for one. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights looks great on the back.

And then there’s the face on the front, Viola Desmond, looking dynamite. Her story is a barrier-breaking portrait of resolve in the face of injustice: challengin­g segregatio­n by refusing to leave the whites-only section of a movie theatre, and suffering arrest and persecutio­n because of it. She paid a price and helped change Canadian society by doing so, and now we get to thank her for it every time we pay a price — far too late, of course.

Add to that a series of other far-toolate welcome firsts her bill represents: she’s a woman who isn’t the monarch, she’s Black, a civil-rights activist. For these reasons and others, the new 10spot is good news.

But there’s another reason to celebrate, and to hope she’s a symbol of things to come. She’s not a politician.

For as long as this country has been minting money, we’ve been putting two kinds of people on the currency: monarchs and prime ministers. It gets to be like sitting through the same Grade 9 history lecture every time you open your wallet to pay for a coffee.

There’s so much more to Canadian culture and society than just politician­s. We have artists, writers, scientists, musicians, business people, activists, athletes. People who have shaped Canadian culture. These are the people I’d recognize with memorial portraits via the thing we use to indicate value in our society: cash money.

They do this elsewhere: in Ireland, before the launch of the euro, James Joyce was on the 10-pound note; in Tajikistan, the poet Rudaki is on the 500 somoni bill; in Chile, feminist educator and poet Gabriela Mistral is on the 5,000 peso note. In Japan, authors and thinkers are on the yen; in Belgium, the last series of francs depicted architects, painters and the inventor of the saxophone; the Australian­s have honoured botanists, industrial­ists, explorers, cartograph­ers and astronomer­s on their dollars.

In Canada, we have written all kinds of bureaucrat­ic rules governing entertainm­ent content to foster a national culture and shelf-crushing volumes of hand-wringing prose pondering the elusive Canadian identity. Why not recognize and celebrate those who have shaped Canadian culture — given us an idea of ourselves — by putting their faces on the bills we handle every day?

So, for example, I’d love to see Mordecai Richler on the $5, Austin Clarke on the quarter, Alice Munro on the nickel. Maestro Fresh Wes, who rapped about getting “bills of brown for my sound,” seems a natural for the $100 bill. Putting Terry Fox on the loonie is a gimme.

You’ve got Joni Mitchell, who seems perfect for a new dollar-and-a-half coin tailored perfectly for admission to the tree museum. Dime-bag king of comedy Tommy Chong, meanwhile, may be a candidate for the 10-cent piece. What about for the toonie? I like the idea of Buffy Sainte-Marie.

The list of worthwhile candidates is long — so long. Would you prefer to be reminded of Marie-Philip Poulin’s multiple golden goals every time you spend $20? Or of Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue’s multiple gold medals?

How about Oscar Peterson for the $50? And Mary Pickford, star of the silver screen, seems natural for a silver dollar.

You run out of currency long before you run out of worthy candidates. John Candy, Scott Thompson, Gord Downie, Neil Young? Kim Catrall, Pamela Anderson, Trish Stratus?

It’s probably too soon to commemorat­e Drake, though I suspect he’d have a lot of supporters here in Toronto for a 6bill, while Céline Dion banknotes would be beloved in Quebec — and in Vegas, too.

Everyone who ever studied in a Canadian school will already wonder where Frederick Banting is, or Tom Longboat, or Roberta Bondar. Surely there’s a place on a coin somewhere for Alex Trebek, or k.d. lang, or the Littlest Hobo. And if we’re going to start in on fictional characters, the people are unlikely to rest until we see Anne of Green Gables on there, and Relic from Beachcombe­rs, and that clown Sol from TV Ontario français.

Luckily, the government mints new coins every year, and redesigns banknotes every decade or so. There are opportunit­ies to switch it up, and to have new valuable bits of history we’d actually be interested in reliving and learning pass through our hands.

I’d love to hear your suggestion­s. Whose face would you like to see on the money? Email your ideas to or share them on Twitter or our Facebook page using the hashtag #OnTheMoney. Include your reasoning, or any other details, if you like. If we get enough good ones, we’ll feature them in a followup.

The only rule is: no politician­s. They’ve had their time in the bank vault. There’s so much else worth celebratin­g and recognizin­g. For a change. And on the change.

For as long as this country has been minting money, we’ve been putting two kinds of people on the currency: monarchs and prime ministers

 ?? DAVID SCHNITMAN/TORONTO STAR ILLUSTRATI­ON ?? Pondering a new dollar-and-a-half coin from both sides now, Joni Mitchell seems the perfect choice for the front, Edward Keenan writes.
DAVID SCHNITMAN/TORONTO STAR ILLUSTRATI­ON Pondering a new dollar-and-a-half coin from both sides now, Joni Mitchell seems the perfect choice for the front, Edward Keenan writes.
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