Toronto Star

Four arm workouts to do without weights

Sculpt and shape your biceps using these effective tricks from celebrity fitness experts


An effective workout doesn’t have to involve an overwhelmi­ng number of bells and whistles. In fact, some of the most effective workout routines only require one thing: you (and perhaps some motivation). This is especially true when it comes to toning your arms.

Some of the best arm workouts can be done without weights. Four top fitness experts (a.k.a. the same people who have spearheade­d their own fan-loved workouts and trained Hollywood’s A-list) share their most effective arm workouts for sculpting the biceps and triceps with out using weight.

Shadowboxi­ng Milan Costich, founder of Prevail Boxing “As a boxing coach, one of my favourite upper-body exercises that we do at Prevail Boxing (currently one of Hollywood’s most in-demand workouts) is shadowboxi­ng. Essentiall­y, this weightless workout entails punching the air while envisionin­g you’re fighting an opponent.”

The benefits: Shadowboxi­ng is a major calorie burner that helps improve technique and co-ordination, encourages your ability to stay mentally present and ignites a killer burn from your arms to your back muscles to your core, he says.

Directions: “Start with your feet shoulder-width apart in a staggered stance, typically with your more dominant hand in the back. Put a little bend in your knees for stability, engage your core and bring your fists up to either side of your face for protection and stability,” Costich says. “Exhaling with every punch, you’ll alternate between your jab (lead hand) and cross (back hand), extending your punches fully, rotating your thumbs down, and then focusing on the recoil for a sharp, speedy strike.”

For maximum impact and results, Costich recommends starting off with three-minute rounds to get the sweat pumping. (He suggests using a mirror, to keep an eye on that allimporta­nt form.)

Hand plank with shoulder taps Celebrity trainer Ashley Borden There’s something to be said for a classic workout or exercise regimen that simply uses inherent body strength. And for super-toned arms without the equipment, Borden favours planks. Though the exercise is widely heralded as one of the best for your core, a minor update (shoulder taps) can make a difference if you’re looking to sculpt your arms. Borden who was featured in the second season of Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian, knows a thing or two about efficient, effective exercises.

The benefits: This updated plank is a one, two, three punch of burn and helps to tone and strengthen your entire upper half — core, shoulders and triceps — fast.

Directions: “First, start in highplank position with your core braced and your glutes and legs tight,” Bor- den says. “Then, without moving your hips up and down or side to side, alternate tapping your same shoulder with the same hand, make sure to keep your arms directly under your shoulders.”

Standing arm circles Julie Diamond of Burn60 For super-sculpted upper arms Diamond recommends this user-friendly workout, which is perfect for when you’re on the go or running short on time. In other words, you’re officially out of excuses to get your arm workout in. Enter: standing arm circles.

The benefits: Not only will you feel the burn, this workout involves controlled movements of the arm so it’s easy to keep your form and target those upper arm muscles to reap the most benefit.

Directions: “Start the workout by standing up straight with feet on the floor and arms extended out to the side at a 90-degree angle from your body, parallel to the floor,” Diamond says. “Next, start moving your arms in small fast circles and do as many rotations as you can. (A great playlist will help.) Then reverse directions and repeat.”

Dancing tricep dips Andrea Speir of Speir Pilates Speir incorporat­es everything you love about the workout into a simple arm exercise, which has toning benefits for the entire body.

The benefits: “This full-body move chisels and tones the entire backside of the arms (your triceps),” Speir says.

“The bonus is that you get a killer core workout while getting a quick hit of cardio. Oh, and you feel like a pretty cool breakdance­r.”

Directions: “To start, have a seat with knees bent, feet flat, and with hands resting on the mat with fingertips pointing toward the body. Then extend one leg up toward the sky, lower it down (keeping it straight), and as you kick it back up, bend your elbows. And if the leg dancing isn’t your cup of tea today, you can do this entire exercise without it. Just find that starting position with both feet grounded on your mat and then proceed to bend and straighten arms. I recommend trying 20 per leg,” Speir says.

Her parting tip: Once in position, shift your weight back an inch or two toward your hands so the shoulders are directly above the wrists. This helps line your form up perfectly. Plus, don’t forget to scoop those abs in and up along your spine for the ultimate core connection as well.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? Standing arm circles are a workout that’s perfect for when you’re travelling or running short on time.
DREAMSTIME Standing arm circles are a workout that’s perfect for when you’re travelling or running short on time.

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