Toronto Star

Crime doesn’t pay, at least in Bitcoin

Online extortioni­sts favour other cryptocurr­encies with advanced security systems


PORTLAND, ORE.— Bitcoin is losing its lustre with some of its earliest and most avid fans — criminals — giving rise to a new breed of virtual currency.

Privacy coins such as monero, designed to avoid tracking, have climbed faster over the past two months as law enforcers adopt software tools to monitor people using Bitcoin. A slew of analytic firms such as Chainalysi­s are getting better at flagging digital hoards linked to crime or money laundering, alerting exchanges and preventing conversion into traditiona­l cash.

Europol, the European Union’s law-enforcemen­t agency, raised alarms three months ago, writing in a report that “other cryptocurr­encies such as monero, ethereum and Zcash are gaining popularity within the digital undergroun­d.” Online extortioni­sts, who use ransomware to lock victims’ computers until they fork over a payment, have begun demanding those currencies instead. On Dec. 18, hackers attacked up to 190,000 WordPress sites per hour to get them to produce monero, according to security company Wordfence.

Monero quadrupled in value to $349 (U.S.) in the final two months of 2017, according to coinmarket­, placing it among a number of upstart coins that rose faster than Bitcoin, the world’s most valuable digital currency. Bitcoin roughly doubled in the same period, data compiled by Bloomberg show. In monero’s case, criminals are snapping it up because Bitcoin’s underlying technology can work against them.

Called blockchain, the digital ledger meticulous­ly records which addresses send and receive transactio­ns, including the exact time and amount — great data to use as evidence. Match an address to a crime and then watch the Bitcoin universe carefully, and you can see the funds disappear and reappear in other locations.

Sleuths have developed databases and techniques for digesting that informatio­n to eventually nab wrongdoers. For example, a cafe in Berkeley is known to have a certain Bitcoin address, and a wallet used by an extortioni­st transfers the same amount there every morning at 9 a.m. Police can stop by and make an arrest.

Started in 2014, monero is very different. It encrypts the recipient’s address on its blockchain and generates fake addresses to obscure the real sender. It also obscures the amount of the transactio­n.

The techniques are so potent that software that flags coins suspected of being obtained through crime now tags just about anything converted into or out of monero as high risk, according to Pawel Kuskowski, CEO of Coinfirm, which helps exchanges and other companies avoid tainted money. That compares with only about 10 per cent of Bitcoin, he said.

Monero is one of many privacyfoc­used coins, each offering different security features. Its main competitor, Zcash — which isn’t known to have a significan­t criminal following — can offer even better privacy protection.

Instead of creating fake addresses to hide senders, it encrypts their true address. That makes it impossible to identify senders by looking for correlatio­ns in addresses used in multiple transactio­ns to pinpoint the real one — a vulnerabil­ity for monero.

Criminals are probably only a fraction of monero’s users, according to Lucas Nuzzi, a senior analyst at Digital Asset Research, which provides research to institutio­nal investors.

“As with any disruptive technology, many of the initial use cases revolve around illicit activities,” he wrote in an email. But as everyday people grow concerned about privacy and surveillan­ce, “there is utility in these currencies that go beyond just a means of exchange for illicit goods.”

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